Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, revealed on Friday that a group of Iranian hackers targeted the WhatsApp accounts of staffers in the administrations of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. The hackers posed as tech support agents for companies like AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google. The suspicious WhatsApp messages were reported by individuals, leading Meta to discover the network of hackers. This activity was linked to the same group that targeted Trump’s campaign. The FBI stated that the hack of the Trump campaign and attempted breach of the Biden-Harris campaign was part of a broader Iranian effort to interfere with the U.S. presidential election.
Meta clarified that a “small cluster” of accounts were blocked by the company as a precautionary measure. While there was no evidence of the targeted WhatsApp accounts being compromised, Meta decided to share its findings with law enforcement as well as the public. Google’s threat intelligence arm reported earlier this month that the Iranian group, believed to be connected to the country’s Revolutionary Guard, attempted to infiltrate the personal email accounts of individuals linked to Biden and Trump since May. Another study by Microsoft also revealed suspected Iranian cyber intrusion in the presidential election.
U.S. intelligence officials believe that Iran’s aggressive use of cyberattacks and disinformation serves multiple purposes. These motives include confusing and polarizing voters to undermine confidence in U.S. democracy, eroding support for Israel, and opposing candidates who could increase tension between Washington and Iran. Iran’s animosity towards Trump, who took several actions against the country during his administration, including exiting the nuclear deal, reimposing sanctions, and ordering the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, could be driving this cyber warfare effort. In July, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines stated that Iran covertly supported American protests against Israel’s conflict with Hamas in Gaza by posing as online activists and funding protest groups.
Messages left with the Trump and Harris campaigns regarding the recent hacking attempts were not immediately responded to. The revelation of these hacking incidents highlights the ongoing threat posed by foreign actors seeking to interfere with U.S. elections through cyber means. The actions of the Iranian hacking group demonstrate the importance of cybersecurity measures for political campaigns and government officials. As technology continues to play a significant role in modern society, organizations like Meta Platforms and law enforcement agencies must remain vigilant in detecting and preventing such malicious cyber activities. The broader implications of cyber interference in democratic processes raise concerns about the integrity and security of future elections. It remains imperative for governments and tech companies to work together to address these threats and protect the democratic institutions of the United States.