Charli XCX is embarking on a new venture in Hollywood, joining the cast of Gregg Araki’s upcoming film “I Want Your Sex.” This movie, written by Vogue columnist Karley Sciortino and named after George Michael’s hit song, will focus on the relationship between Olivia Wilde’s character, Erika Tracy, and her younger employee, Elliot, played by Cooper Hoffman. The storyline promises to explore themes of sex, obsession, power, betrayal, and murder, drawing inspiration from the work of Marina Abramović and Adrian Lyne.
In addition to “I Want Your Sex,” Charli XCX is set to make her formal screen debut in Daniel Goldhaber’s film “Faces of Death.” This project, featuring a cast that includes Barbie Ferreira, Dacre Montgomery, and Josie Totah, is based on the controversial 1978 shockumentary of the same name. Rather than recreate the graphic and horrifying imagery of the original film, Goldhaber takes a meta approach, following a content moderator as they encounter a group recreating scenes from the notorious movie. Charli personally reached out to Goldhaber for a role in the film, showcasing her enthusiasm for challenging and unconventional projects in the industry.
Moreover, Charli XCX is not limiting herself to acting roles in Hollywood; she has also ventured into writing and co-producing films. This summer, she traveled to Poland to shoot a movie that she co-wrote with Jeremy O Harris, known for his work on “Slave Play.” With her creative energy and drive, Charli is positioning herself as a multifaceted artist capable of exploring various aspects of the film industry, from acting to writing and producing.
The involvement of Charli XCX in these diverse film projects highlights her versatility as an artist and her willingness to tackle unconventional and boundary-pushing content. From exploring complex themes of love and power dynamics in “I Want Your Sex” to delving into meta-narratives and challenging subject matter in “Faces of Death,” Charli is demonstrating her commitment to pushing artistic boundaries and engaging with thought-provoking material. Her collaboration with acclaimed directors and writers further underscores her dedication to expanding her creative horizons and exploring new opportunities in the world of cinema.
As Charli XCX continues to make waves in the film industry with her involvement in a range of projects, from mainstream dramas to avant-garde explorations, she is solidifying her position as a rising star to watch. With her distinctive style and willingness to take on challenging roles, Charli is carving out a unique niche for herself in Hollywood and beyond. The future looks bright for this multi-talented artist as she continues to push boundaries and defy expectations in the world of film and entertainment.