A 38-year-old man in Lebanon experienced an unusual bacterial infection in his penis after eating rice and having intercourse with his wife, as per a report published in the Annals of Medicine & Surgery. The man suffered from severe diarrhea and vomiting a few hours after intercourse, followed by penile swelling and redness for about a week before seeking medical help. This case has been identified as the first of its kind in medical literature, making it a unique and rare occurrence.
Upon examination at the American University of Beirut Medical Center, doctors diagnosed the man with a bacterial infection caused by Bacillus cereus, a bacterium commonly found in soil, vegetation, and contaminated food like reheated rice and vegetables. This infection, also known as “fried rice syndrome” due to its relation to room-temperature rice producing toxins leading to gastrointestinal issues, is usually self-limiting and resolves within a day. However, this case stands out as a particularly unusual presentation of the infection, especially considering its location on the penis.
The man reported having eaten rice with his family one day before experiencing symptoms, with his wife remaining asymptomatic. The doctors ruled out any trauma or laceration to the penis or accidental bites as a cause for the infection. It is suspected that the man may have contaminated his penis with his own vomit and diarrhea after intercourse with his wife, making that the likely source of the skin infection. Following the diagnosis, the man was advised to abstain from sexual activities and apply fusidic acid ointment, a prescription antibiotic, to his penis three times a day after washing and gently drying the area.
After a one-month follow-up visit, the man’s condition was reported to have completely resolved, indicating successful treatment of the bacterial infection. While Bacillus cereus infections are relatively common, this particular case is unique due to its manifestation in an uncommon location and circumstances. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of proper food handling practices and the potential risks associated with bacterial contamination from sources such as reheated rice and other foods. By sharing this case study, doctors hope to raise awareness about the potential dangers of bacterial infections and the importance of seeking medical attention for any unusual symptoms.