According to experts at Compare the Market, the type of doughnut you prefer can reveal a lot about your personality. Psychologist Jo Hemmings analyzed the choices of thousands of doughnut lovers and found distinct personality traits associated with each selection. Hemmings believes that our relationship with food and emotions can often reflect our personality traits, influenced by factors such as personal experiences and social behaviors.
For those who prefer classic glazed doughnuts, Hemmings believes they are traditionalists who enjoy staying in more than going out. On the other hand, individuals who opt for chocolate doughnuts are likely to be sociable and always seeking fun and happiness in the company of others. Custard-filled doughnut lovers are seen as more guarded or reserved but have a kind heart, making them the most empathetic among the personality types identified by Hemmings.
Individuals who enjoy playful doughnuts with sprinkles or full, non-ring doughnuts are typically the most playful and generous with their spirit, time, and money. Hemmings suggests that these preferences may be shaped by childhood experiences, where sweet foods were often associated with happy occasions. Despite our preferences being influenced by various factors, Hemmings believes that liking doughnuts in general can indicate that you are a fun and enjoyable person to be around.
Among the thousands surveyed, the most popular choice was the classic, jam-filled doughnut, followed by custard-filled and chocolate. While most individuals prefer purchasing doughnuts from local supermarkets or bakeries, many are also willing to try unique or different options if something catches their eye. Hemmings notes that those who tend to stick to traditional choices like glazed, jam, or ring doughnuts often enjoy being organized, practical, and in control of their work-life balance.
Ultimately, Hemmings emphasizes that doughnut choices can reveal distinctive qualities in individuals, such as loyalty, playfulness, and openness to new experiences. Despite the differences in personalities, she believes that a variety of personality types can interact well in social groups, making mixed selection boxes of doughnuts popular among those who want to cater to different preferences. Whether you prefer classic glazed or adventurous sprinkles, Hemmings suggests that enjoying doughnuts in any form signifies that you possess positive qualities that contribute to a well-rounded social dynamic.