Jade, who runs @captured.by.jade on TikTok, shared a video on June 22 revealing how her iPhone camera roll had helped her earn over $20,000 a month by selling personal images to companies seeking stock photography. She explained that businesses are always looking for organic-looking content, including iPhone photos for marketing or advertising. This inspired many of her followers to consider entering the stock photography industry, as it doesn’t require a fancy camera or expensive equipment to submit candid photos.
In a follow-up video uploaded on July 29, Jade delved deeper into how much money she makes from stock photography and her submission process. She revealed that her most-sold photo, a scenic view in Monterey, California, had been downloaded over 4,000 times and earned her over $26,000 in the last two years. She emphasized that keywording and tagging were crucial in getting the photo to sell, along with spending 20 minutes making minor edits to the images.
Jade prefers using Shutterstock and Abode stock to upload her photos, as it is usually free to submit raw images on most stock photography websites. She mainly focuses on travel and scenic photos but mentioned that other niches also perform well in the stock photography market. She has curated a series of videos and a handbook teaching her followers how to benefit from stock photography, which received positive feedback from her audience, with many expressing interest in pursuing this side hustle.
Many TikTok users shared their experience with having a cluttered camera roll, with some revealing that a significant percentage of their photos were screenshots or pictures of their pets. They found Jade’s advice on using their camera roll to make money inspiring, with some commenting that they needed help paying tuition and were grateful for her posts. The idea of making passive income from personal images without the need for expensive equipment resonated with her followers, sparking their interest in exploring stock photography as a potential source of income.
Jade’s success story of making thousands of dollars a month from her iPhone camera roll resonated with her followers, who found her tips on submitting candid photos to stock photography websites valuable. Her emphasis on strategic keywording and tagging, along with spending time editing images, highlighted the importance of attention to detail in the stock photography industry. Her dedication to creating content around selling personal images and sharing her knowledge and experience with her followers has inspired many to consider pursuing stock photography as a lucrative side hustle. Jade’s journey serves as a reminder of the potential hidden in our everyday lives, showing that with dedication and creativity, even a cluttered camera roll can turn into a source of income.