The Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius is set to peak on May 23 at 9:53 EST, with the best times to view it being Wednesday and Thursday evenings. This full moon occurs when the moon is directly opposite the sun, highlighting the inverse energies of ego and emotion, showing us how to integrate and elevate. This time around, the sun is in Gemini opposing the moon in Sagittarius, symbolizing chaos, conversation, and endless partying.
Sagittarius and Gemini are mutable signs that act as bridges between seasons, with both archetypes reflecting flexibility and openness to the impossible. This full moon can be seen as a time to target and accomplish what is conceived, with focus on words, wisdom, curiosity, and philosophy. Both Sagittarius and Gemini champion creativity, freedom, and unexpected connectivity, welcoming the strange and pushing their limits.
Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of fortune, this full moon in Sagittarius is characterized by abundant optimism and optimistic abundance. The overarching themes include believing in the greatest good and the best of all possible worlds, with luck being more about belief than proof. The energy of this moon encourages people to have wild imaginations and believe that life is unfolding for their greatest good with optimism and positivity.
Known as the Flower Moon, the Algonquin people referred to May’s full moon as a time when North America was blanketed with blooms, reflecting the promise of vitality and the wealth of form renewed. Other names for this moon include the Leaf Budding Moon, Planting Moon, Egg Laying Moon, and Moon of the Shedding Ponies, all symbolizing new beginnings and the awakening of flora and fauna as the weather warms.
Astrologer Reda Wigle focuses on planetary configurations and their effects on each zodiac sign, integrating history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience into her horoscopes. She offers birth chart readings through her website for those looking to gain insight into how the stars may be influencing their lives. With the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius approaching, it is a time to embrace optimism, openness to the impossible, creativity, and positivity under the light of the moon.