Holy Thursday, also known as “Maundy Thursday,” is the first day of the Paschal Triduum and commemorates the Last Supper, which is believed to be when Jesus Christ celebrated the first Eucharist, instituting the New Covenant. It is a special day observed by many Christians worldwide, falling on March 28, 2024. During the Last Supper, Jesus’ actions were seen as an act of love and an example to others. Christians believe that through the Eucharist, they become more like Jesus by receiving His body, blood, soul, and divinity. This act of total self-gift is at the heart of the Christian life, according to one priest named Fr. Paul Hedman.
Strengthened by the graces received through communion, Christians are called to show the same self-giving love to their neighbors. This involves giving their entire heart, soul, mind, and strength, similar to how Jesus gave His body and poured out His blood. Holy Thursday is a reminder of this call to love through the total gift of oneself. In addition to celebrating the Eucharist, during the Last Supper, Jesus also washed the feet of His disciples, symbolizing the importance of serving others. Some churches continue this tradition by washing the feet of congregants during services on Holy Thursday to imitate Christ’s actions.
The gospel reading during Catholic Mass on Holy Thursday comes from the Gospel of John, which focuses on Jesus washing the feet of the twelve disciples rather than the institution of the Eucharist. This emphasis on service and love through self-giving is meant to highlight the example set by Jesus during the Last Supper. By receiving Holy Communion and following Christ’s teachings of serving others, Christians become more conformed to Christ and prepare themselves for eternal life with the Blessed Trinity in heaven. The full story of the Last Supper, including the washing of the feet and the Eucharist, is crucial for understanding the depth of Jesus’ message of love and sacrifice.
Fr. Paul Hedman emphasizes the importance of living a life of service and self-giving love, following Jesus’ example on Holy Thursday. Through acts of love and service, Christians show their devotion to Christ and strive to become more like Him. The commemoration of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday serves as a reminder of the call to love one another and give of oneself completely. By participating in the Eucharist and serving others, Christians deepen their commitment to living a life of love and preparing for eternal life in heaven. Holy Thursday is a day of reflection and devotion for Catholics and other Christians around the world as they honor the sacrifice and love demonstrated by Jesus at the Last Supper.