Cillian Murphy, the recent Oscar-winning actor for his role in “Oppenheimer,” is set to produce and star in a film adaptation of the true crime story “Blood Runs Coal.” The movie will be based on the book “Blood Runs Coal: The Yablonski Murders and the Battle for the United Mine Workers of America” by Mark A. Bradley. The story follows the 1969 assassination of United Mine Workers labor leader Joseph Yablonski, his wife, and daughter by hitmen hired by rival labor leader Tony Boyle. Murphy will play the role of Chip Yablonski, Joseph’s son, who dedicated his life to seeking justice for his family.
According to book reviewer Steve Halvonik, the Yablonski murders were a shocking episode in organized labor’s history. Joseph Yablonski was an active member of the United Mine Workers labor union, but began speaking against President Tony Boyle in the late 1960s due to his alleged corruption and favoritism towards mine owners. Yablonski challenged Boyle for the presidency and asked for a federal investigation into the election, leading to his murder. Boyle was found guilty of conspiracy in hiring the hitmen, resulting in major democratization reforms within the union.
Cillian Murphy’s involvement in “Blood Runs Coal” adds to his impressive resume of period pieces, including “Peaky Blinders,” “Dunkirk,” “The Wind that Shakes the Barley,” and “Anthropoid.” The actor has showcased his talent in various historical settings, earning critical acclaim for his performances. Murphy’s upcoming projects also include a film follow-up to “Peaky Blinders,” confirming his continued success in the industry.
Details regarding the release date and production of “Blood Runs Coal” have not yet been announced by Universal Pictures. The studio, known for producing “Oppenheimer,” has secured the adaptation rights for the film, which will be written by Jez Butterworth and John-Henry Butterworth. The movie is expected to shed light on the tragic events surrounding the Yablonski murders and the subsequent battle for justice within the United Mine Workers of America.
Overall, Cillian Murphy’s involvement in “Blood Runs Coal” is generating excitement among fans of true crime stories and historical dramas. With a talented cast and crew behind the project, the film is poised to bring the gripping tale of the Yablonski family to the big screen. Stay tuned for further updates on the production and release of this highly anticipated adaptation.
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