In an exciting announcement, Fox has confirmed that Hell’s Kitchen, the popular reality competition cooking show hosted by Gordon Ramsay, has been renewed for its 23rd and 24th seasons. The show, which originally premiered in 2005, has become a staple on the network and continues to be a fan favorite. With this renewal comes a new filming location at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut, where one of Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen restaurants is located.
Ramsay, who has been with the show since its inception, expressed his gratitude for the renewal in a statement, saying, “This show just keeps getting better and better, and with Fox, ITV and A. Smith & Co. as my partners, you can expect even bigger challenges, stronger talent and more intense competition in Hell’s Kitchen in the years to come.” The British edition of the show has been a major success, and the American version has continued to captivate audiences with its intense cooking challenges and high-stakes competition.
The two-season renewal will take Hell’s Kitchen past the 350 episode mark, solidifying its status as a long-running and successful series. Ramsay, who also hosts several other shows on Fox, such as Kitchen Nightmares, MasterChef, MasterChef Junior, and Next Level Chef, has become a household name in the culinary world. Fox Entertainment President, Allison Wallach, praised the long-standing partnership with Ramsay and the success of Hell’s Kitchen, stating, “Hell’s Kitchen was our first series with Gordon, marking the launch of one of Fox’s most successful creative partnerships ever and an important cornerstone in what has become global television’s most powerful cooking brand.”
Hell’s Kitchen is produced by ITV America’s ITV Entertainment in association with A. Smith & Co. Productions, with Gordon Ramsay, Arthur Smith, Kent Weed, Kenny Rosen, and Bernie Schaeffer serving as executive producers. The show’s enduring popularity and Ramsay’s fiery personality have contributed to its longevity and success, making it a mainstay in American television. Fans can expect more exciting challenges, talented contestants, and intense competition in the upcoming seasons, as Hell’s Kitchen continues to push the boundaries of reality cooking competitions.
The new filming location at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut, adds an exciting element to the show, as contestants will have the opportunity to showcase their skills in a unique and high-pressure environment. Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen restaurants have become known for their high-quality cuisine and intense kitchen atmosphere, and the new location is sure to provide an immersive experience for both contestants and viewers alike. With the upcoming seasons set to feature even more intense challenges and talented chefs, Hell’s Kitchen is poised to continue its reign as one of the top cooking competition shows on television.
Overall, the renewal of Hell’s Kitchen for its 23rd and 24th seasons is great news for fans of the show and for Gordon Ramsay, who has become synonymous with the series. With its long-standing success and dedicated fan base, Hell’s Kitchen shows no signs of slowing down, and viewers can look forward to more thrilling episodes and high-stakes competition in the future. As Ramsay and the contestants continue to push the boundaries of culinary excellence, Hell’s Kitchen remains a must-watch series for food enthusiasts and reality TV fans alike.