A 17-year-old teenage cheerleader in Texas is facing felony charges after allegedly using pesticide to poison and kill a rival’s competitive show goat at their high school. Aubrey Vanlandingham reportedly confessed to deliberately poisoning the goat, named Willy, on October 23. Security footage showed a female student at Vista Ridge High School’s barn using a drench gun to force-feed Willy a toxic pesticide. The goat ultimately died in his owner’s arms after experiencing convulsions and respiratory distress.
Vanlandingham allegedly told police that she killed the goat because she believed the goat’s owner’s 15-year-old daughter was a cheater. She had tried to kill Willy one other time before and was unsuccessful, indicating a lack of remorse. The mother of the 15-year-old victim expressed a desire for justice to be served and hoped that Vanlandingham would face jail time and receive mental help. A necropsy confirmed the cause of death as organophosphate intoxication from phosmet, a pesticide commonly used in livestock.
The police investigation revealed that Vanlandingham had searched about lethal doses of bleach for animals and methods of poisoning pets on her phone. She also searched for how to clear search history in an attempt to cover her tracks. Despite being named president of the school’s chapter of the Future Farmers of America and actively participating in goat shows with her pet, Lacey, Vanlandingham still held jealousy towards her younger competitor. The victim’s mother suggested that the motive behind the poisoning was jealousy rather than cheating.
Vanlandingham was arrested on November 22 and charged with cruelty to livestock animals, a jail felony in Texas. She was released on a $5,000 bond the same day and has been banned from attending her high school while the case is ongoing. If convicted, she could face up to two years in prison. Vanlandingham is scheduled to appear in court on January 15. The mother of the 15-year-old victim emphasized the importance of holding Vanlandingham accountable for her actions and ensuring she takes ownership for killing the goat.
Overall, the incident involving the poisoning of the show goat at Vista Ridge High School shed light on a disturbing act driven by jealousy. The use of a toxic pesticide to intentionally harm the goat and the subsequent death of the animal deeply affected the victim’s family. The motive behind the poisoning was rooted in alleged jealousy and competition within the competitive livestock showing community. Vanlandingham’s actions, as confirmed by the security footage and her confession, led to criminal charges and an ongoing legal process to determine accountability and consequences for her actions. The case highlighted the seriousness of animal cruelty and the need for appropriate punishment to deter similar incidents in the future.