A new study found that the anti-obesity medication Zepbound (tirzepatide) delivers significant weight loss even in individuals with multiple obesity-related medical conditions, challenging the commonly held belief that those with chronic health issues linked to obesity lose less weight than healthier individuals. The research, presented at ENDO 2024, suggests that tirzepatide is effective regardless of the number of obesity-associated diseases a person may have. The study analyzed data from four trials involving 4,726 subjects with obesity or overweight and obesity-related conditions, showing that tirzepatide led to significant weight loss regardless of the number of complications patients had at the beginning of the study.

Tirzepatide was approved by the FDA for chronic weight management in November 2023 and is marketed under the trade name Zepbound. The medication is prescribed for adults with obesity or overweight and at least one weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol. Administered as a once-weekly injection, tirzepatide effectively lowers blood sugar levels and promotes weight loss better than current treatments. The medication belongs to a new class of diabetes drugs as a dual GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist, stimulating insulin secretion, promoting a feeling of fullness, and controlling appetite through the brain. The most common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting, which tend to diminish over time.

Dr. Sriram Machineni, lead author of the study, explained that weight loss with tirzepatide is no different for patients with multiple medical issues compared to those without any comorbidities apart from obesity. The weight loss is independent of other health conditions and can even lead to improvements in these conditions. Dr. Mir Ali, a board-certified bariatric surgeon, noted that newer medications like tirzepatide are more effective than previous options and can benefit a wider range of patients. However, GLP-1 drugs like Zepbound are already in short supply, raising concerns about the availability of these medications for patients who may benefit from them.

While the findings of the study are promising, it is important to note that the research was funded by Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of tirzepatide. Dr. Jared L. Ross highlighted the potential bias in the study due to the pharmaceutical company’s involvement and the financial support received by the lead author. However, he noted that the results were not unexpected, as tirzepatide targets mechanisms underlying both type 2 diabetes and obesity, making it effective for patients with both conditions. The study’s findings may be limited by the self-reported nature of obesity-related complications by participants, but overall, tirzepatide has shown to be beneficial for individuals with multiple health conditions and can lead to significant weight loss regardless of comorbidities.

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