Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Trump, testified during Trump’s hush money trial and admitted that he would have accepted a pardon from Trump. This revelation came as a shock, as Cohen had previously testified to Congress under oath that he would not accept a pardon from the former president. CNN’s Jake Tapper and Jeff Zeleny weighed in on the implications of Cohen’s admission and how it reflects on Trump’s behavior during the testimony.

Zeleny noted that Cohen’s admission that he would have accepted a pardon from Trump raises questions about his credibility and honesty. He pointed out that Cohen has a history of lying to Congress and prosecutors, which undermines his credibility as a witness. Tapper also expressed skepticism about Cohen’s honesty, citing his previous criminal behavior and history of dishonesty. The admission that he would have accepted a pardon from Trump only adds to the doubts about Cohen’s credibility.

During the hush money trial, Cohen’s acceptance of a pardon from Trump would have raised concerns about the potential for political interference in the judicial process. Zeleny emphasized that Trump’s behavior during Cohen’s testimony, including his attacks on Cohen’s credibility and integrity, was consistent with his past behavior. Trump has a history of attacking those who criticize him or testify against him, using personal attacks and attempts to discredit their testimony.

Despite Cohen’s questionable credibility and past lies to Congress and prosecutors, his admission that he would have accepted a pardon from Trump raises broader questions about the integrity of the judicial process and the potential for political interference. Tapper noted that if Trump had granted Cohen a pardon, it would have raised serious concerns about the impartiality of the justice system and the rule of law. The admission highlights the potential for abuse of power and manipulation of the legal system for political gain.

Zeleny and Tapper also discussed the larger implications of Cohen’s admission on Trump’s presidency and legacy. They noted that Trump’s behavior during Cohen’s testimony, including his attacks on Cohen’s credibility and integrity, reflects a pattern of behavior that has characterized his presidency. Trump’s attempts to undermine the credibility of his critics and attack those who testify against him have raised questions about his respect for the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary.

In conclusion, Cohen’s admission that he would have accepted a pardon from Trump during the hush money trial raises significant concerns about his credibility and the potential for political interference in the judicial process. Trump’s behavior during Cohen’s testimony, including his attacks on Cohen’s credibility and integrity, reflects a pattern of behavior that has characterized his presidency. The admission highlights broader questions about the integrity of the judicial process and the potential for abuse of power and manipulation of the legal system for political gain.

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