Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky issued a warning to U.S. President Joe Biden regarding his attendance at a peace summit in Switzerland in June. Zelensky stated that if Biden doesn’t attend, it would be like giving Russian President Vladimir Putin a standing ovation. The summit aims to develop a common understanding for a lasting peace in Ukraine, and Washington has confirmed U.S. participation but has not confirmed Biden’s attendance. Zelensky emphasized the importance of other countries attending the summit to demonstrate their commitment to peace in Ukraine.

Zelensky believes that the Peace Summit needs President Biden and that his attendance or absence reflects a nation’s choice between wanting peace or war in Ukraine. He stressed the importance of speaking at the summit even if one disagrees with certain aspects, as participating in the event is a sign of commitment to peace. Zelensky noted that Putin is fearful of the peace summit and has been attempting to disrupt it. The lack of invitation for Russia to participate in the summit highlights the tensions between Ukraine and Russia and the difficulty of finding a resolution to the conflict.

Efforts to initiate peace talks between Kyiv and Moscow have been unsuccessful since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Reports suggest that Putin is willing to “freeze” the war on current frontlines, but a peace deal remains elusive due to differing demands from both sides. Russia insists that Ukraine accept the annexation of certain regions, including Crimea, while Ukraine maintains that any peace agreement must nullify these annexations and restore Crimea to Ukrainian territory. The peace summit in Switzerland has garnered significant international attention, with over 70 confirmations from delegations worldwide.

The summit aims to establish a pathway towards a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, with the participation of various countries demonstrating their support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Zelensky’s warning to Biden underscores the importance of high-level international engagement in resolving the conflict and ensuring Ukraine’s security. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has had far-reaching implications, and the peace summit represents a critical opportunity to address key issues and work towards a peaceful resolution. The involvement of diverse stakeholders in the summit reflects the global interest in finding a sustainable solution to the crisis in Ukraine.

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