Slovenia has committed to participating in the upcoming global peace summit for Ukraine, as announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky after a conversation with Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob. The discussions also involved defense cooperation and the potential signing of a bilateral security agreement in the near future. The summit, scheduled to take place in Switzerland on June 15-16, will focus on pursuing peace in Ukraine based on Zelensky’s 10-point peace formula, which includes the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territories. Slovenia had previously joined the Group of Seven (G7) in declaring security guarantees for Ukraine in August 2023, and now aims to further solidify its support for Ukraine through this upcoming summit.

With around 160 national delegations invited to the global peace summit, at least 50 countries have confirmed their participation in the event. The main objective of the summit is for all participating countries to collectively formulate a common negotiating stance regarding the conclusion of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which will then be presented to Russia. According to presidential spokesperson Serhii Nykyforov, this unified position aims to provide a strong foundation for future peace talks and resolutions surrounding the conflict. The engagement and support from various nations, including Slovenia, indicate a collective effort to bring an end to the war in Ukraine and foster stability in the region.

However, President Zelensky raised concerns over Russia’s intentions to disrupt the global peace summit in Switzerland, citing precise intelligence information that points to preparations by Russia to interfere with the event. This potential interference poses a significant challenge to the peace efforts and diplomatic initiatives being coordinated through the summit. Zelensky’s warning underscores the complexities and obstacles faced in achieving meaningful progress towards resolving the conflict in Ukraine, particularly when faced with adversarial actions from Russia. Despite these challenges, the participation and commitment of countries like Slovenia are crucial in upholding the principles of peace and security in the region.

The planned discussions at the global peace summit are expected to address key issues related to the conflict in Ukraine, including the withdrawal of Russian troops, restoration of territorial integrity, and the overall stability and security of the region. These discussions will be guided by Zelensky’s 10-point peace formula, which outlines a comprehensive approach to achieving a lasting resolution to the conflict. By bringing together a diverse group of nations and stakeholders, the summit aims to foster dialogue, cooperation, and consensus-building in order to advance the peace process in Ukraine and address the complex challenges facing the region. Slovenia’s active participation in these discussions reflects its commitment to supporting Ukraine and contributing to international efforts to promote peace and stability.

As preparations for the global peace summit continue, the engagement of various countries in supporting Ukraine’s peace initiatives underscores the significance of international solidarity and cooperation in addressing conflicts and promoting peace. The participation of Slovenia and other nations in this summit highlights a shared commitment to upholding peace, security, and stability in Ukraine and the broader region. Through collective diplomatic efforts and dialogue, the summit offers a platform for constructive engagement and negotiation, with the goal of reaching meaningful outcomes that address the root causes of the conflict and pave the way for a sustainable peace settlement. By joining forces at the global level, countries can work together to overcome challenges, build trust, and create opportunities for lasting peace and prosperity in Ukraine and its neighboring countries.

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