Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for Western allies to provide the same level of protection against Russia’s air raids as they did for Israel during a recent Iranian drone attack. President Joe Biden mobilized aircraft and missile defenses to assist Israel during the attack, which saw more than 300 Iranian munitions fired. Zelensky praised the coordinated efforts to defend against the attack and urged for similar protection for Ukraine against Russian air attacks.

The U.K. Ministry of Defense announced that Royal Air Force fighter jets and air refueling tankers were sent to the region to assist in defending Israel. Jordan’s military shot down missiles that entered its airspace, while the Israel Defense Forces stated that France’s military helped monitor the barrage. Zelensky highlighted the coordinated efforts in defending Israel and neighboring countries against terror, emphasizing the need for a unified approach to combat threats.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Western allies have supported Kyiv with artillery, training, and other assistance, but have refrained from sending troops to Eastern Europe. Zelensky pointed out the similarity between the drones launched by Russia above Ukraine and those in the Middle East, emphasizing the need for consistent protection against terror threats. He called for European skies to have the same level of defense as Israel, stressing the importance of defeating terror everywhere.

U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron cautioned against deploying Western jets to Ukraine, citing the risk of dangerous escalation with Russia. He highlighted the support provided by the U.K. to Ukraine in terms of training and equipment, but emphasized the need to avoid direct engagement between NATO troops and Russian forces to prevent further escalation. The focus remained on avoiding a wider European war while supporting Ukraine’s defense efforts.

Zelensky’s appeal for greater protection against Russian air raids echoed the sentiment of unity and coordinated efforts seen in defending Israel from the recent Iranian attack. The call for consistent support and defense against terror threats resonated with Western allies, who have provided assistance to Ukraine but have not deployed troops to the region. The ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe has underscored the need for a unified approach to combating aggression and ensuring the safety of affected nations.

Overall, the push for enhanced protection against Russian air raids highlighted the interconnected nature of global security challenges and the importance of collective defense measures. Zelensky’s call for consistent support and defense mirrored the united response seen in defending Israel, emphasizing the need for a unified front against terror threats. As the situation in Ukraine continues to evolve, the role of Western allies in providing assistance and maintaining security in the region remains crucial in deterring further aggression and promoting stability.

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