President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has stated in an interview with Reuters that he had to continue serving as president due to martial law. The Martial Law Act was introduced after Russia launched its full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, leading to the banning of presidential, parliamentary, and local elections. Zelensky’s term, which was initially set to end on May 20, 2024, has been extended indefinitely due to martial law. While some critics argue that the extension of his term is not authorized by the Constitution, leading constitutional lawyers have disputed this claim, stating that the Constitution allows for such an extension. Zelensky has expressed his appreciation for the support of the Ukrainian people during this challenging time and emphasized the need to continue moving forward together until victory is achieved.

In the midst of the ongoing conflict with Russia, President Zelensky is facing critics questioning his legitimacy due to the extension of his term caused by martial law. Zelensky acknowledged the challenges of assessing his performance as president during the past five years, especially in the current circumstances. He highlighted the resilience and courage of the Ukrainian people in the face of danger and expressed his determination to lead the nation towards a successful resolution of the conflict. The postponement of the presidential elections was deemed necessary by Zelensky to ensure fair and accessible voting conditions for millions of Ukrainians, including those serving on the front lines. The extension of martial law and general mobilization until August 11, as signed into law by Zelensky, reflects the ongoing need for heightened security measures in Ukraine.

President Zelensky criticized Western partners for delays in making key decisions regarding military assistance for Ukraine, particularly in the delivery of air defense systems. He expressed frustration over the prolonged deliberations on aid, stating that while some progress has been made, more needs to be done to address the urgent security needs of Ukraine. Zelensky emphasized the importance of timely and effective support from Western allies in the face of Russian aggression. The president’s statements underscore the urgency of the situation in Ukraine and the necessity for swift action to ensure the country’s defense and stability.

As Ukraine continues to confront the challenges posed by Russian aggression, President Zelensky remains focused on rallying international support for his country’s defense. The extension of his presidential term due to martial law reflects the exceptional circumstances Ukraine is facing, with Zelensky striving to lead the nation towards a resolution of the conflict. Despite facing criticism and doubts regarding his legitimacy, Zelensky remains determined to uphold the interests of the Ukrainian people and secure a successful outcome in the ongoing conflict. The president’s calls for timely assistance from Western partners highlight the urgent need for support in addressing the security threats posed by Russia. Moving forward, Zelensky’s leadership will be crucial in navigating the challenges ahead and achieving a lasting peace for Ukraine.

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