The lawyer of former Valencian Regional President and Minister Eduardo Zaplana has defended his innocence, stating that the accusations against him are nothing more than a scripted television drama. He criticized the judge’s investigation and the actions of the Central Operating Unit of the Civil Guard, claiming it resembled the pre-1978 regime. The lawyer accused the entire case of being a setup from the beginning and without judicial oversight, citing former police commissioner Jose Manuel Villarejo’s claim that former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, with the help of the Police Director Juan Cotino, orchestrated the accusations against Zaplana to prevent him from challenging for leadership of the PP party.

Zaplana is facing charges of prevarication, bribery, money laundering, among other crimes, with the Public Prosecutor seeking a 17-year prison sentence. The lawyer described the case as a “setup”, an “artificial truth”, and claimed that the truth had not been sought at any point. He referenced the preface of the Criminal Procedure Act, written by jurist Alonso Martínez, to further emphasize his belief that a false narrative had been created. He criticized the Guardia Civil agents involved in the case, accusing them of bias and fabricating evidence.

The defense has been dismantling each accusation, arguing that Zaplana was not involved in the awarding of contracts for the ITV stations, despite testimonies stating otherwise. The lawyer questioned the lack of evidence to support the bribery and money laundering charges, alleging that the Guardia Civil misinterpreted the facts. Zaplana defended himself by claiming that documents seized from him regarding the transfer of money were given to him by friends seeking advice, and he was not involved in the transactions. His defense lawyer emphasized that Zaplana was not a beneficial owner of the companies that received money from Cotino.

The lawyer concluded that Zaplana’s innocence had been proven during the trial, asserting that the contract awards were not predetermined and that Zaplana did not benefit from the transactions. The defense maintained that Zaplana was merely helping his friends and was not involved in any illegal activities. The case has sparked controversy and raised questions about the integrity of the investigation and the motives behind the accusations against Zaplana. The trial continues, with the defense presenting its arguments to refute the charges brought against the former politician.

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