The Tren de Aragua gang, a Venezuelan prison gang, has been wreaking havoc in New York City with a string of robberies. Despite the young members of the gang, some as young as 11 years old, committing crimes in landmark locations like Times Square, they have managed to evade jail time due to New York’s lenient laws on juvenile crime. The gang members, who are housed in a migrant shelter converted from the Roosevelt Hotel, have been posting pictures and videos of their guns online, showcasing their access to firearms. The gang, which refers to themselves as “Los Diablos de lat 42”, has been arrested in connection with 50 separate crimes, including wolfpack robberies where tourists are surrounded and robbed of their belongings. These brazen criminal acts have been escalating as the gang continues to flourish in the city.

The migration influx in New York City has provided an opportunity for the Tren de Aragua gang to recruit new members from migrant shelters, as well as from Texas middle schools. The gang’s expansion from its base in Venezuela to various cities in the United States has led to an increase in criminal activities, including in small towns like Aurora, Colorado and Athens, Georgia. The gang has also been linked to the murder of nursing student Laken Riley in Georgia. The influx of nearly 200,000 asylum-seeking migrants in the past year has further exacerbated the situation, with more than half expected to have their claims denied. Despite facing challenges in keeping juvenile suspects locked up, law enforcement officials continue to make arrests and gather evidence to combat the criminal activities of the Tren de Aragua gang.

The Tren de Aragua gang’s criminal activities have escalated in New York City, with members engaging in gunpoint robberies and boasting about their crimes on social media. The gang’s recruitment of new members from migrant shelters and schools has allowed them to increase their numbers and expand their criminal operations. The lenient treatment of juvenile and adult criminal suspects in New York has empowered the gang members to commit more brazen acts without fear of consequences. The gang has been blamed for a rise in cellphone and purse robberies in the city, as well as conducting wolfpack robberies where tourists are surrounded and robbed of their belongings.

Despite facing challenges in holding juvenile suspects in custody, law enforcement officials remain committed to making arrests and building cases against the Tren de Aragua gang members. The gang’s activities have impacted various cities in the United States, and their recruitment efforts have targeted vulnerable populations like migrants and schoolchildren. The expansion of the gang from Venezuela to the U.S. has led to an increase in criminal activities, with members becoming increasingly brazen in their actions. Law enforcement officials continue to work diligently to combat the gang’s criminal operations and ensure the safety of residents and tourists in affected areas.

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