Multiple Oregon Lottery billboards were hacked by furries, displaying animated clips of anthropomorphic cats instead of the usual Powerball Jackpot information. Reddit user “HanginWithMrPooper” posted a video of one of the billboards, showing a cat-like creature with a human face playing around. Oregon Lottery spokesperson Melanie Mesaros confirmed that they are working with their vendor to resolve the issue related to the digital displays on the billboards.

The artwork displayed on the billboards was credited to furry artist @SH_4RK. The artist expressed surprise at seeing their art being showcased on the billboards across the country. The billboards are owned by Meadow Outdoor Advertising and paid for by the Oregon Lottery, but neither party claimed responsibility for the display issue. Daktronics, the third-party vendor operating the LED signs, was identified as the source of the problem. The artwork remained on the billboards from August 12 to August 14 before the issue was fixed.

Oregon Lottery officials, representatives from Meadow Outdoor Advertising, and Daktronics are expected to meet to discuss the billboard hacking incident. Betsy Hege, the company manager at Meadow Outdoor Advertising, stated that they will have a debrief with the Lottery and Daktronics to understand what happened. The hacked billboards have gained significant attention, with many social media users sharing photos and videos of the furry art displayed on the electronic screens.

The furry artist @SH_4RK was surprised to see their artwork displayed on the hacked billboards, reacting on Twitter to the circulating images. The unauthorized display of the anthropomorphic cat images on the billboards was deemed a global issue for Daktronics, the vendor responsible for operating the LED screens. The artwork takeover on the billboards appeared to be a coordinated effort across different locations, catching the attention of both online communities and traditional media outlets.

The Oregon Lottery spokesperson confirmed that they are addressing the issue with the vendor to resolve the digital display problems on the compromised billboards. Despite the unauthorized artwork being showcased, the incident sparked intrigue and amusement among observers, considering it a unique and unconventional form of hacking. The hacked billboards remained an intriguing topic of discussion for the online community, with many expressing surprise and amusement at the unexpected furries-inspired display.

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