In today’s Wordle game, the hint was “Range” and the clue was that the word had a double letter. After a bit of guessing, the answer turned out to be “ROVER”. The player’s opening guess of “STORE” was quite good, as it resulted in three yellow boxes and only 53 remaining words. The player’s next guess of “ROACH” cut the number down significantly to just 9 words. Eventually, the player guessed “ROWER” and then “ROVER”, which turned out to be the correct answer. While the player didn’t guess the word in the ideal number of guesses, they still beat Wordle Bot, earning themselves 1 point.

The player explained the rules of competitive Wordle scoring, where guessing in 1, 2, or 3 tries earns you points, while guessing in 4, 5, or 6 results in negative points. If you beat your opponent, you get additional points. Today’s Wordle answer, “ROVER”, has an interesting etymology that traces back to Old Norse and Middle Dutch languages, where it originally meant “pirate” or “robber”. The term evolved to describe someone who roams or wanders in an adventurous or unlawful manner, before broadening to include any wanderer. It is now commonly used in various contexts to describe someone or something that travels without a fixed route.

The player also shared a personal anecdote about having their tonsils removed at 35 years old, which ultimately turned out to be a blessing despite the difficult recovery process. As a result of the tonsillectomy, the player lost a lot of weight, which they promptly gained back. Despite feeling sick, with a sore throat and congestion headache, the player was still enthusiastic about playing Wordle. The player encouraged readers to visit their blog for daily Wordle and Strands guides, as well as other content like TV show reviews, streaming guides, and video game coverage.

In conclusion, the player’s experience with the Wordle game on this particular day involved some challenges and twists, but ultimately resulted in a successful guess of the word “ROVER”. The player also provided insights into the etymology of the word and explained the rules of competitive Wordle scoring. Despite feeling under the weather, the player maintained their enthusiasm for playing Wordle and encouraged readers to visit their blog for more content. With a mix of personal anecdotes and game analysis, the player shared an engaging and informative recap of their Wordle experience.

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