A 40-year-old woman with a large family expressed a desire to take a break from hosting Thanksgiving at her house after doing so for a decade, citing feelings of burnout and the hectic nature of her life. She asked her sisters to take over hosting duties this year, but they were resistant, claiming they were too busy, had smaller houses, or were dealing with stress. The older sisters believed that the tradition should continue, and the younger sisters were more understanding but did not offer to host. The woman felt guilty for refusing to host Thanksgiving but believed it was fair to ask for a break after years of shouldering the responsibility.

The woman faced criticism from her older sisters, who accused her of being selfish and abandoning a family tradition that she had upheld for many years. They believed that Thanksgiving would not be the same if she did not host. The tension in the family escalated as her decision was met with disapproval. The woman felt conflicted, understanding her older sisters’ perspective but also feeling that she had done her fair share over the years. She sought validation from others on the Reddit forum, questioning if she was wrong for refusing to host Thanksgiving after a decade of doing so.

Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore commended the woman for recognizing the need for self-care and taking a break from hosting Thanksgiving. Whitmore emphasized that traditions can be broken and suggested that other sisters should step up to host the gathering. She also recommended giving everyone a job to do, including the kids, or booking a trip during Thanksgiving for a much-needed vacation. The top comments on the platform expressed support for the woman, commending her for standing up for herself and suggesting that she had done more than enough by hosting Thanksgiving for so many years.

The Reddit community empathized with the woman’s situation, with many users criticizing her sisters for being selfish and not sharing the burden of hosting Thanksgiving. Some suggested that the family traditions were being used as a tool to manipulate the woman into doing all the work without any reciprocity. Others recommended that the woman lay out her expectations clearly and establish more equitable arrangements for hosting Thanksgiving in the future. Overall, the majority of commenters supported the woman’s decision to take a break and encouraged her to prioritize her well-being and self-care.

Despite the backlash from her sisters, the woman remained firm in her decision to take a break from hosting Thanksgiving, emphasizing the need for others to share the responsibility. She acknowledged the stress of her older sisters but believed that it was fair to ask for a break after dedicating herself to hosting the gathering for so long. The Reddit community applauded her for standing up for herself and encouraged her to prioritize her own needs and well-being. The woman’s story resonated with many who have experienced similar family dynamics and struggled to set boundaries in the face of pressure to uphold traditions.

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