Choosing a tattoo can be a challenging process that requires time, thought, and planning. However, one woman named Holly Gardner had a different experience when she worked with an artist to create a design that she did not like but went ahead with it anyway. Holly now has the word “Angel” tattooed across the front of her wrist, despite not actually liking it. She shared her experience on TikTok, coining the term ‘people pleaser tattoo’ to describe the phenomenon. In a video that has gained 1.7 million views, she explained how she knew she did not like the design but did not speak up out of fear of upsetting the tattooist.

According to Medical News Today, a people pleaser is someone who feels a strong desire to please others, often at the expense of their own desires. In response to Holly’s video, hundreds of commenters shared their own experiences with people pleaser tattoos. Some shared stories of getting incorrect or unwanted designs due to not speaking up, while others expressed regret over their tattoos and the desire to have them removed. One tattoo artist encouraged clients to speak up about any concerns they may have regarding their tattoo design, emphasizing that it is their body and they should feel comfortable with the design.

Adam Jolley, a writer for the tattoo brand Stories & Ink, advised clients to communicate clearly with their tattoo artists and be open and honest about their ideas and concerns. He also recommended trusting the artist’s expertise to create a design that the client will love, without micromanaging the process. This approach allows for the artist’s creative flair to shine through and ensures that the client is happy with the final result. Jolley’s advice highlights the importance of clear communication and trust in the tattooing process for a successful outcome.

Holly’s experience with her people pleaser tattoo serves as a cautionary tale for those considering getting inked. It underscores the importance of speaking up and advocating for oneself when it comes to tattoo designs. By being honest about their preferences and concerns, clients can avoid ending up with a design that they do not like or regret. Choosing a tattoo is a personal decision that should reflect the individual’s personality and style, and it is essential to be assertive in communicating one’s wishes with the tattoo artist to ensure a positive experience and a tattoo that is cherished for a lifetime.

In conclusion, Holly’s story highlights the dangers of being a people pleaser when it comes to getting a tattoo. The pressure to please others can result in designs that are not wanted or liked, leading to feelings of regret and dissatisfaction. By sharing her experience and coining the term ‘people pleaser tattoo,’ Holly has started a conversation about the importance of asserting one’s preferences and communicating clearly with tattoo artists. Clients must feel empowered to speak up about any concerns or doubts they may have, and trust in the artist’s expertise to create a design that they will love. Ultimately, choosing a tattoo should be a collaborative and positive experience between the client and the artist, resulting in a meaningful and beautiful piece of body art.

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