The remains of Bernadine Gunner, a New Jersey mother who went missing in 2010, were discovered submerged in a car in the Cooper River last week by the nonprofit United Search Corps. Gunner was last seen in Camden and was known to drive a Hyundai Elantra. United Search Corps founder Doug Bishop found the vehicle using sonar and divers, and was able to identify Gunner’s remains in the car once it was recovered from the water. Gunner’s family, who had been searching for answers for over a decade, expressed relief and gratitude for the closure that Bishop’s discovery provided.

The discovery of Gunner’s remains came as a result of a search conducted by United Search Corps in the Cooper River, which is located less than a mile from Gunner’s last known location in Camden. The family of Gunner, who had been searching for answers for 14 years, expressed gratitude towards Bishop for providing them with closure and the opportunity to give Gunner a proper burial. Gunner’s daughter, Julia Young, thanked Bishop for his help on Facebook, noting that her family was not satisfied with the local police’s handling of her mother’s case.

Bishop believes that Gunner’s car ended up in the water due to an accident, as there were no obstructions preventing a car from entering the water near the site where the vehicle was found. In addition to Gunner’s vehicle, Bishop also discovered five other vehicles during his search, which are currently under investigation by the local prosecutor’s office. The Camden County Prosecutor’s Office issued a statement confirming the discovery of human remains and multiple motor vehicles in the Cooper River, with the identity of the individual pending DNA testing.

The importance of raising awareness in missing persons cases was stressed by Bishop, who emphasized that awareness and advocacy play a crucial role in solving such cases. Gunner’s disappearance remained a mystery for over a decade until the discovery of her remains by United Search Corps. The family expressed gratitude for the closure that Bishop’s discovery provided, allowing them to finally lay Gunner to rest after years of uncertainty and unanswered questions. The results of DNA testing to confirm the identity of the remains are still pending, as the investigation continues into the circumstances surrounding Gunner’s disappearance and the discovery of her vehicle in the Cooper River.

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