A North Dakota woman named Ina Thea Kenoyer pleaded guilty to killing her long-time boyfriend, Steven Edward Riley Jr., by poisoning him because she believed he was going to leave her after inheriting $30 million. Kenoyer was arrested on October 30 and charged with killing Riley the previous month. Authorities suspected that Kenoyer had financial motives to murder Riley, who planned to break up with her after he believed he was going to receive a large inheritance. Riley’s friends reported that Kenoyer was throwing his belongings out of their home on the day he was supposed to meet with a lawyer at the airport to discuss the inheritance.

At the airport, Riley exhibited symptoms of illness, including feeling drunk without consuming alcohol and complaining of stomach pain. Despite his condition, Kenoyer claimed he was suffering from heat stroke and needed to go home to rest. The next day, an ambulance was called to their home, where Riley was found unconscious. He never regained consciousness and died on September 5. An autopsy revealed that Riley’s cause of death was poisoning. Kenoyer’s attorney did not respond to requests for comment on the case. Riley’s family and friends expressed concerns to police that Kenoyer had poisoned him with antifreeze, as she had made comments about it in the past and after his death without any information from medical professionals.

Following Riley’s death, Kenoyer claimed to be his common law wife and planned on splitting his inheritance with his son. However, she was informed that North Dakota does not recognize common law marriage, and she was not entitled to any of Riley’s inheritance. This news enraged Kenoyer, who later admitted to making sweet tea for Riley on the day he fell ill, which would easily disguise the ethylene glycol found in antifreeze. Kenoyer was then taken into custody and charged with felony murder. She pleaded guilty to intentional murder with extreme indifference and is scheduled to be sentenced on August 13. The case sheds light on a tragic situation involving a woman who allegedly murdered her boyfriend out of greed and fear of losing his inheritance.

In this case, the motive behind the murder appears to be financial gain, as Kenoyer believed that she would have access to Riley’s substantial inheritance if she stayed with him. Her actions after Riley’s death, including claiming to be his wife and planning to share his inheritance with his son, further illustrate her desire for financial gain. Additionally, Kenoyer’s knowledge of how to mask the presence of antifreeze in food and drink suggests premeditation in carrying out the murder. The tragic outcome of Riley’s death serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the lengths some individuals will go to in pursuit of money.

The impact of Riley’s death on his family and friends is evident in their concerns about Kenoyer’s suspicious behavior leading up to and following the murder. Their fears that she had poisoned him with antifreeze, as well as her actions following his death, demonstrate the depth of their loss and the shock of his sudden passing. The fact that Kenoyer attempted to claim a legal relationship to Riley and a share of his inheritance despite not being entitled to it highlights the extent of her deception and manipulation in this tragic situation. Ultimately, the case serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences of greed and betrayal in relationships, as well as the importance of seeking justice for victims in situations of foul play.

The legal proceedings in this case, including Kenoyer’s guilty plea to intentional murder with extreme indifference, underscore the seriousness of the crime and the need for accountability for such egregious actions. The sentencing of Kenoyer on August 13 will offer closure to Riley’s family and friends, as well as serve as a reminder of the value of justice in the face of tragedy. The case highlights the importance of investigating suspicious deaths thoroughly and holding perpetrators accountable for their crimes, especially in cases where financial motives are suspected. In conclusion, the tragic murder of Steven Edward Riley Jr. serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and deceit in relationships, as well as the importance of seeking justice for victims of foul play.

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