Elizabeth and TJ Atkinson of Houston found themselves overweight and unhealthy after years of focusing on work, marriage, and raising their children. In February 2019, they joined WeightWatchers together to take control of their health. By the end of 2019, Elizabeth had lost 98 pounds and TJ had dropped to 200 pounds by the end of 2020. The support and structure of the program made it easier for them to make healthier choices and they were feeling strong and healthy.

However, their joy was short-lived when TJ was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease after developing complications from diabetes. He immediately started dialysis, a grueling and exhausting treatment that took a toll on his health and quality of life. Elizabeth had already lost weight and qualified to be a donor, but her blood type was not a match for TJ. She then joined a kidney partner swap program where she would donate to someone in Denver and TJ would receive a kidney from a college student in Pittsburgh.

On October 27, 2022, both Elizabeth and TJ underwent surgeries for the kidney exchange. Elizabeth’s surgery went smoothly, and TJ’s new kidney was already functioning before he was stitched up. The recovery process was different for both of them, with TJ feeling like a new person almost immediately, while Elizabeth experienced more pain and discomfort but was filled with happiness. After months of recovery and follow-up appointments, they were both on the path to healing and getting back to a healthier lifestyle.

Since the transplant, TJ experienced weight fluctuations due to medications, but they are both focused on managing their weight and getting back into fitness. Elizabeth started strength training and TJ is working on building his stamina through exercise. They recently took their first vacation in years to Disney with their adult children, and are planning a trip to Scotland for their 30th anniversary in two years. Despite the challenges they faced, they are grateful for the second chance at life and are determined to continue living a healthy and active lifestyle together.

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