A 22-year-old woman named Taylon Nichelle Celestine opened fire on a Florida interstate, shooting two drivers because she claimed “God” told her to do so via the solar eclipse, according to police reports. Celestine left her Holmes County motel and informed staff that she was directed by “God” to go on a shooting spree related to the total solar eclipse, even though Florida was not in the path of the astronomical event. Driving a purple Dodge Challenger with Georgia plates, she began shooting at other vehicles on Interstate 10 in Washington County, Florida.

The first incident involved Celestine allegedly shooting at a passing car on the interstate multiple times. The male driver of the vehicle was grazed by a bullet on the arm and hit by glass fragments when a bullet shattered his window. He pulled over to the highway shoulder while Celestine continued to drive. Celestine, armed with an assault rifle and handgun, proceeded to open fire on a second vehicle near the 107-mile marker on I-10. The driver of that vehicle was shot in the neck and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Highway patrol troopers eventually caught up to Celestine near the 96-mile marker and pulled her over. They found an AR-15 rifle and a 9mm handgun in her possession. Celestine was arrested without incident and taken to Holmes County Jail, where she was booked on charges of attempted murder, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, and improper discharge of a firearm. It is unclear which gun she used to shoot at the drivers and whether the firearms were obtained legally. The investigation is ongoing to gather more information.

The entire incident was fueled by Celestine’s belief that “God” directed her to go on a shooting spree in relation to the solar eclipse, despite Florida not being in the path of the astronomical event. Her reckless actions endangered the lives of multiple motorists on the Florida interstate, leading to injuries for two victims who were shot by Celestine. The motive behind her belief and the exact reasons for targeting random drivers on the highway remain unclear at this time.

The case of Taylon Nichelle Celestine serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of individuals acting on delusional or irrational beliefs and the devastating consequences that can result. The incident highlights the need for mental health awareness and interventions to prevent such violent acts in the future. As the investigation continues, authorities will work to gather more details on Celestine’s background, her motives, and the circumstances that led to this tragic shooting spree on the Florida interstate. Celestine’s actions are a serious concern to public safety and law enforcement agencies will continue to work diligently to hold her accountable for the crimes she committed.

The quick response by highway patrol troopers in apprehending Celestine likely prevented further harm to innocent motorists on the Florida interstate. The recovery of weapons in her possession raises questions about the accessibility of firearms to individuals with potential mental health issues or extremist ideologies. As the legal process unfolds, authorities will work to determine the full extent of Celestine’s actions, motivations, and any potential accomplices or influences that may have led to this dangerous situation. The community will be looking for answers and accountability as they process the shocking events that unfolded as a result of Celestine’s alleged belief in divine guidance to commit acts of violence.

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