This week in New York City has been eventful, with a severe storm hitting the city just two days before a powerful earthquake shook the area all the way to Philadelphia. Photographer Dan Martland captured a stunning image of lightning striking the Statue of Liberty, giving the appearance of the bolt emerging from Lady Liberty’s torch. Martland explained that he tracks the weather using apps before heading out to shoot, and uses a lightning trigger to capture the images. This is not the first time he has captured lightning striking the iconic statue, as a similar image from April 2023 is also on his Instagram account.

The storm that hit New York City on Wednesday brought strong winds, heavy rain, and lightning, causing destruction in the form of falling trees. One person, identified as Catherine Tusiani, was killed in Westchester County when a tree fell onto her car as she was driving home. Multiple trees fell across the city, including in Central Park, damaging property and cars. Power outages were reported in several neighborhoods, and authorities issued a flood warning, advising people to watch out for fallen trees, branches, and power lines.

Following weeks of sunshine and warmth, New York City has experienced a rain-soaked week with a forecast of potential flash floods, strong winds, and thunderstorms. The storm on Wednesday brought not only rain and lightning but also damage and destruction. The National Weather Service issued a travel advisory warning for fallen trees and power lines, urging caution and vigilance in the aftermath of the storm. The heaviest flood threats had subsided but scattered showers were expected through the afternoon, with gusty winds reaching up to 20 mph.

In response to queries from social media users about his images, Martland clarified that the lightning striking the Statue of Liberty was not artificially staged and that he used a lightning trigger to capture the moments. He explained that he tracks the weather conditions with apps before heading out to shoot, as capturing these images can be a waiting game. While some outings may last several hours without capturing a desired image, Wednesday’s storm passed quickly, allowing Martland to capture the striking moment within an hour of being out in the weather. The photographer has been able to capture similar lightning strikes in the past, showcasing the awe-inspiring power and beauty of nature.

The storm that swept through New York City on Wednesday not only brought rain, lightning, and gusty winds but also brought tragedy with the death of Catherine Tusiani in Westchester County. Her husband, Michael Tusiani, is the senior vice president of partnerships for the New York Yankees. The storm caused multiple trees to fall across the city, damaging property and cars, and resulting in power outages in various neighborhoods. Authorities issued warnings about fallen trees and power lines, advising people to remain vigilant as they navigated the aftermath of the storm. Photographer Dan Martland’s striking images of lightning striking the Statue of Liberty captured the attention of many, showcasing the power and beauty of nature in the midst of a tumultuous week in New York City.

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