Aviel Ginzburg, an entrepreneur and investor with ties to Techstars Seattle, is leading a group of entrepreneurs in the development of Seattle Foundations, a new invite-only organization and shared workspace aimed at supporting tech founders in Seattle. The focus of this initiative is to create a community that provides resources and mentorship to entrepreneurs in the city. With plans for co-working space, access to events, and founder circles for transparent discussions, Seattle Foundations is set to launch later in the year.

Ginzburg, along with three other entrepreneurs, is laying the groundwork for Seattle Foundations based on their experience and connection to the startup community. The group is working towards securing office space in Capitol Hill and raising funds for initial operations. Membership to Seattle Foundations will involve a six-month accelerator program targeting startup acceleration and mentorship. The organization is not planning to charge membership fees or take equity from participating startups, with the possibility of investing in these companies not completely ruled out.

Following the closure of the Techstars Seattle accelerator earlier this year, Seattle Foundations is stepping in to fill the void left by the departure of similar programs. The goal is to provide a space for entrepreneurs in Seattle to connect, grow, and support each other. The closure of other community-based initiatives like Venture Out, Create33, and The Riveter has left a gap in the Seattle startup ecosystem, which Seattle Foundations aims to bridge by focusing on mentorship and collaboration among its members.

Building a community from scratch is challenging, but the team behind Seattle Foundations is committed to attracting promising founders and veteran leaders to create a thriving entrepreneurial hub. The organization aims to have at least 100 active members and establish regular rhythms to bring people together. With a focus on creating an environment that fosters serendipity and collaboration, Seattle Foundations plans to raise $500,000 from investors to support its operations and potentially invest in participating companies.

Ginzburg’s extensive experience in the startup world, including founding companies and running accelerator programs, makes him uniquely positioned to lead Seattle Foundations. His vision for the organization is rooted in the belief that providing a supportive community for entrepreneurs can lead to success. While recognizing the challenges ahead, Ginzburg is inspired by the impact that spaces and communities have had on his career, driving his passion and determination to make Seattle Foundations a valuable asset for the city’s startup ecosystem.

Seattle Foundations aims to create a space where entrepreneurs at different stages of their journey can come together, share experiences, and support each other without any expectations. By fostering a community that encourages collaboration and growth, the organization hopes to fill the gap left by the departure of Techstars and other similar programs in Seattle. With a focus on transparency, mentorship, and building connections, Seattle Foundations strives to be a beacon of support for tech founders in the city, enabling them to navigate the highs and lows of building a startup with a strong network of peers and mentors.

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