At a recent Harris-Walz campaign rally in Chester, environmental advocate Zulene Mayfield called for action from the crowd of a few hundred residents, urging them to mobilize the community to address environmental justice issues. Chester is an environmental justice community where climate change and pollution disproportionately affect underserved populations, with high levels of lead in blood, cancer risks, and childhood asthma rates. Many residents have protested against the expansion of heavy industries, particularly those involving fossil fuels, which they feel have negatively impacted their health without much economic benefit. Despite criticizing Pennsylvania Democrats supportive of the fossil fuel industry, many residents are supporting Vice President Kamala Harris, the party’s presidential nominee.

Chester, Pennsylvania, is a city with a history of environmental injustice and economic struggles, with a majority Black population. Mayor Stefan Roots recalls growing up in Chester and witnessing the negative impacts of oil refineries and pollution on the community. The city has faced financial challenges, relying on a casino, trash incinerator, and sewage incinerator for revenue. Residents are calling for federal funding for job training in green industries, improvements in public health, education, and city services. They fear that under a Trump administration, more businesses causing pollution would be approved, and their needs would continue to be ignored.

Residents are disappointed in Pennsylvania Democrats’ stance on Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) after a proposal for an LNG terminal in Chester. The Biden administration paused new LNG terminal approvals, but Democratic Senators and the Governor opposed this decision, citing concerns over jobs and energy independence. Residents like Thom Nixon feel that their community is not being considered in these decisions, and they worry about the impacts these industries will have on the environment and their health. Despite these disappointments, many residents are supporting Vice President Harris and are focused on the potential benefits she could bring to the community.

Chester residents are concerned about the environmental and economic issues facing their community and the impact of natural gas infrastructure on their health and futures. Some residents, like James Harper Jr., view natural gas as a double-edged sword, balancing job opportunities with safety concerns. While environmental advocate Zulene Mayfield sees LNG as another environmental injustice in a string of issues affecting the community, she emphasizes the importance of supporting sympathetic allies like Harris. Residents hope that federal funding through grants will bring positive changes to Chester and address environmental and economic disparities.

In an effort to address environmental and economic challenges in Chester, residents are mobilizing to raise awareness and advocate for their community’s needs. Entrepreneur Roland Taylor hopes to bring life to downtown Chester and combat pollution and economic blight. Despite feeling let down by elected officials, community members are working together to improve Chester and ensure that funding and resources reach disadvantaged communities like theirs. The Justice40 initiative aims to benefit disadvantaged communities like Chester, with residents hoping for federal support and grants to improve their city’s environment and economy. Mayor Roots sees this as an opportunity for Chester to revitalize and uplift its residents.

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