Blinken acknowledges that there has been an increase in pro-Palestinian protests at university and college campuses across the US in recent weeks. He emphasizes the importance of allowing individuals to express their views and opinions while also ensuring that these protests are conducted peacefully and respectfully. Blinken explains that the US government supports the right to freedom of expression and assembly, but also condemns any form of violence or discrimination. He highlights the need for constructive dialogue and engagement in order to address the root causes of the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Blinken suggests that the recent surge in pro-Palestinian protests reflects a growing concern and awareness about the situation in the Middle East. He acknowledges that there are different perspectives and opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and encourages individuals to engage in respectful and meaningful discussions about the issue. Blinken believes that open dialogue and communication are essential for fostering mutual understanding and finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict. He stresses the importance of listening to diverse viewpoints and working towards a shared goal of promoting peace and stability in the region.

The reporter raises the question of whether the pro-Palestinian protests in the US will influence US policy towards Israel and Palestine. Blinken emphasizes that US policy is based on the principles of promoting peace, security, and stability in the Middle East. He affirms that the Biden administration is committed to upholding the longstanding US-Israel relationship while also supporting the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination. Blinken reiterates the US government’s commitment to a two-state solution that allows for the peaceful coexistence of Israel and Palestine. He stresses the need for constructive engagement and diplomacy in order to advance the peace process.

Blinken addresses the issue of ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine, noting that the recent conflict has led to a significant loss of life and suffering on both sides. He expresses his condolences for the victims of the violence and calls for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further bloodshed. Blinken emphasizes the importance of de-escalating tensions and finding a diplomatic solution to the conflict. He reaffirms the US government’s commitment to playing a constructive role in promoting peace and security in the region. Blinken urges all parties to engage in dialogue and negotiation to resolve their differences peacefully.

The reporter asks Blinken about the US government’s response to the recent Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, which have resulted in civilian casualties and widespread destruction. Blinken acknowledges the devastating impact of the airstrikes on the civilian population in Gaza and expresses concern about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region. He emphasizes the need for all parties to respect international humanitarian law and protect the rights of civilians during armed conflicts. Blinken calls for immediate humanitarian assistance to address the urgent needs of the people affected by the violence in Gaza.

In conclusion, Blinken reiterates the US government’s commitment to promoting peace, security, and stability in the Middle East. He emphasizes the importance of constructive engagement and dialogue in addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and calls for a peaceful resolution that upholds the rights of all parties involved. Blinken highlights the need for immediate humanitarian assistance to address the urgent needs of the civilian population in Gaza and reaffirms the US government’s commitment to playing a constructive role in resolving the crisis. He urges all parties to prioritize diplomacy and negotiation in order to achieve a lasting peace settlement in the region.

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