A woman took to Reddit to ask for advice in a post titled, “AITA for not deplaning with my husband after he was kicked off for being too drunk?” The woman, who is 28, and her husband, Adam, age 30, had planned a trip to visit her father in another country. Despite being of the same ethnic background and speaking the same native language, her father did not approve of Adam, causing tension. When Adam showed up drunk at the airport and was not allowed to board the plane, the woman called her brother-in-law to take care of him and decided to board the flight without him.

The woman’s decision to leave her husband behind upset him, as he felt she had abandoned him in a vulnerable situation. However, many Reddit users supported her actions and advised her to reevaluate her relationship, suggesting there may be larger issues at play. An etiquette expert recommended the woman have a conversation with both her husband and father before the situation escalates further. Leaving her husband at the airport was deemed acceptable given the circumstances of the expensive trip and the need to take time off from work.

The Reddit community largely agreed that the woman made the right choice in leaving her husband behind at the airport. Some users pointed out that Adam’s decision to get drunk and sabotage the trip indicates deeper issues in their relationship. They expressed concern that Adam may have a drinking problem and noted that enabling his behavior would not solve anything. The top comments on the post emphasized that the husband’s actions were intentional and damaging to the woman’s relationship with her father.

The woman’s story garnered over 6,000 reactions on Reddit, with more than 700 comments offering support and advice. Users supported the woman’s decision to prioritize her trip to see her father and suggested she reconsider her relationship with Adam. They highlighted the husband’s immaturity, selfishness, and poor behavior, indicating that his actions were calculated and harmful. The consensus was that the woman should focus on her visit with her father and address any underlying issues with her husband separately.

Overall, the Reddit community commended the woman for leaving her husband behind at the airport and prioritizing her trip to see her father. They advised her to address the root causes of her husband’s behavior and consider the implications of their relationship moving forward. The situation highlighted concerns about the husband’s alcohol consumption and its impact on their partnership. Users encouraged the woman to set boundaries and communicate openly with both her father and her husband to navigate the challenges they were facing.

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