The astro weather for Gemini season and the month of June has been relatively calm, but that is about to change as Mercury and Venus in Gemini form a rough square with Neptune in Pisces. This transit can make it difficult to communicate clearly and see things as they truly are, leading to a general sense of mistrust in information and people. The mutable signs of Gemini and Pisces are known for their adaptability and tendency to hold conflicting perspectives, making this aspect a time to prioritize curiosity over certainty and to remain open-minded yet cautious.
Gemini and Pisces are also known for their tendencies to avoid confrontation, lie by omission, and engage in suspicious behaviors. It is important to be critical of information, promises, and interactions during this time, especially if something seems too good to be true. Those with major placements in the mutable signs may be even more prone to deception and misunderstandings. Clarity and direct communication are key, as well as avoiding getting swept away by idealized perceptions in relationships.
The influence of Neptune in Pisces can cloud judgment and lead to romantic idealizations, making it important to ask clarifying questions and take everything with a grain of salt. It is a time to be cautious and avoid making hasty decisions or forming final opinions until the stars align more favorably. Scorpios, who are naturally skeptical and cautious, may find it easier to navigate this period, while others should take the time to reflect, proceed with caution, and postpone major decisions until things become clearer.
For a more in-depth look at how these astrological influences may be affecting your sign, turn to Astrologer Reda Wigle’s research and insights, which blend history, pop culture, and personal experiences with an understanding of planetary configurations and their impact on each zodiac sign. By remaining aware of the astrological weather and how it may be influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and interactions, we can navigate challenging times with greater wisdom and clarity. Remember that no person is perfect and no truth is absolute, and trust your intuition in discerning what is real and what may be an illusion during this complex astrological transit.