Travel influencer John Burfitt has found his preferred seat on a plane — the back row, window seat. He came to this decision after enduring a flight where the passenger behind him kicked his seat continuously. This location is often viewed as the worst seat on a plane, but Burfitt believes it is the best option as it is the last to board and is situated downwind from the lavatory, which eliminates the problem of being kicked from behind.

According to Burfitt, the back row, which is located just in front of a walled area, provides a more peaceful and comfortable flight experience. He discovered that by sitting in the last row, he could avoid being disturbed by the constant movement of passengers and flight attendants in the aisle. Additionally, this seat is less likely to be bumped by the beverage cart, and the wall can support a weary traveler’s head for added comfort. Burfitt believes this seat also offers some level of separation from the rest of the coach cabin without the need to upgrade to a higher class ticket.

By booking the back row window seat, Burfitt found what he claims to be the best seat on the plane. He appreciates the benefits of this seat, such as the ability to recline (which is available on most airlines he has flown with) and the distance it provides from the rest of the cabin. Despite the common perception that the back row has no recline, Burfitt disagrees and finds this to be a minor issue that could easily be resolved by carrying noise-canceling headphones onboard.

Furthermore, Burfitt suggests that sitting in the back row could potentially result in receiving sympathy from the flight crew and even a free upgrade. He recounts his experience of choosing this seat on a flight and realizing the advantages it offers in terms of comfort and peace. Despite receiving criticism from other travelers who consider this seat the worst on the plane, Burfitt stands by his preference and encourages others to give it a try, emphasizing the positive aspects of the back row window seat.

In conclusion, Burfitt’s unconventional choice of the back row window seat on a plane has proven to be a beneficial decision for him. He shares his reasoning for selecting this seat, citing past experiences of discomfort on flights and the advantages of being seated away from the main cabin. By embracing this unconventional location, Burfitt has found what he believes to be the best seat on the plane and encourages others to consider this option for a more enjoyable travel experience.

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