Christina Ford, a 63-year-old solo traveler, recently took to TikTok to vent her frustrations with the island of Mykonos, stating that she had a problematic experience during her visit. She was shocked by the tipping culture on the island, particularly when she was asked to leave gratuity when checking out of her room, on top of the tips she had already given during her stay. Ford, who is based in London, was charged approximately $777 for her three-night stay and was taken aback by the additional request for a tip.

Ford expressed her disbelief at the tipping culture on Mykonos, stating that in all her years of travel, she had never encountered such a practice. She mentioned that she believes she was asked to tip because she is Canadian and often mistaken for American. Ford stated that she is a generous tipper when she enjoys the service, but felt uncomfortable being asked to leave more gratuity. In addition to her issues with tipping, Ford also had negative experiences with hospitality workers on the island, feeling that they discriminated against solo travelers.

One of Ford’s main criticisms of Mykonos was the way she was treated as a solo traveler by hospitality workers. She mentioned that she had a bad experience at multiple bars on the island, where she felt discriminated against for traveling alone. Ford recounted instances where bars had minimum spending requirements or refused to seat her as a party of one, despite the restaurant being mostly empty. She expressed her belief that Mykonos discriminates against solo travelers in its quest to make money, and that servers should treat solo travelers the same as larger groups.

Despite facing criticism for her negative comments about Mykonos, Ford stood by her opinions and shared that she had received support from others who had similar experiences. She advised against solo travelers visiting Mykonos, suggesting alternative islands such as Hydra instead. Ford emphasized that the island’s popularity has been overshadowed by high prices and a sense of entitlement among hospitality workers. She expressed her frustration at feeling ripped off during her stay, regardless of her budget, and recommended seeking out destinations where travelers are treated fairly.

In conclusion, Ford decided to blacklist Mykonos as a travel destination, quoting Oscar Wilde by saying, “once is curiosity, twice perversion.” She highlighted her disappointment with the island’s shift towards overpriced services and a lack of genuine hospitality. Ford expressed that while she is willing to pay for quality service, she does not appreciate feeling mistreated or taken advantage of during her travels. Despite facing backlash for her comments, Ford remained firm in her stance against Mykonos, advocating for fair treatment of all travelers, regardless of their group size.

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