The story of Nicole “Nicki” Lenway, a crime scene investigator for the Minneapolis Police Department, who was shot twice at point-blank range in a parking lot on the evening of April 20, 2022, unfolds with shocking details. Lenway was picking up her child from a parenting center when she was targeted and shot by a unknown individual. Surveillance footage captured the incident, and a Good Samaritan, Emilie Clancy, witnessed the event and rushed to help Lenway as she struggled to breathe and call 911.

Emilie Clancy’s quick thinking and assistance saved Lenway’s life, and she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Lenway suffered severe injuries, including a perforated lung, damage to her vocal cords, and a bullet lodged between her ribs. Her then-boyfriend, Minneapolis Police officer Donovan Ford, was shocked and panicked upon receiving the news of her shooting. Ford rushed to the hospital to be by Lenway’s side as she fought for her life.

As Lenway recovered from her injuries, the police department launched an investigation into the shooting. The focus shifted to her ex-boyfriend, Tim Amacher, who had a volatile history with Lenway. Amacher was questioned and investigated as a possible suspect, leading detectives to discover that he owned a black Dodge Ram truck similar to the one seen leaving the crime scene. Despite his denials and claims of having an alibi, further investigation revealed that Amacher and his accomplice, Colleen Larson, were behind the shooting.

Larson eventually confessed to the crime, admitting that Amacher had coerced her into shooting Lenway. Amacher was found guilty of premeditated attempted murder and aiding his accomplice, while Larson pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting first-degree attempted murder. Both received sentences for their actions, with Amacher receiving 18 years in prison and Larson receiving 16-and-a-half years. Lenway and Ford, now married, found solace in justice served but continued to live in fear as they tried to move on from the traumatic experience.

Lenway’s story is one of survival, resilience, and the pursuit of justice against those who sought to harm her. The support of loved ones, the dedication of law enforcement, and the bravery of individuals like Emilie Clancy played a crucial role in bringing the perpetrators to justice and ensuring Lenway’s safety and well-being. The case serves as a reminder of the terrifying consequences of domestic abuse and the strength needed to overcome such experiences.

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