President Biden’s official White House website continues to praise the lifetime appointments of Supreme Court Justices as a means of insulating them from the temporary passions of the public. The About section of the website extols the benefits of lifetime appointments, stating that it allows judges and Justices to apply the law based on justice rather than electoral or political concerns. Despite this praise, a White House spokesperson acknowledged that this language is outdated and a relic from the Trump administration.

The White House spokesperson, Andrew Bates, stated that the viewpoint that presidents should be allowed to commit crimes without legal consequences or that the Supreme Court can self-police conflicts of interest is outdated and damaging to the American people and democracy. President Biden supports the idea of 18-year term limits and a binding code of conduct for Supreme Court Justices. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have called for Supreme Court term limits, ethics rules, and a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity, arguing that the current situation undermines public confidence in the court’s decisions.

In an op-ed published in the Washington Post, Biden expressed his concern about the current state of the Supreme Court, stating that it is not normal and undermines public confidence in the court’s decisions, particularly those impacting personal freedoms. Democrats have accused the Supreme Court of being corrupted by originalist and textualist jurists appointed by conservative presidents, particularly after former President Trump appointed three justices during his term. The conservative bloc on the court, though not always voting together, has been criticized for compromising the integrity of the court.

President Biden’s willingness to support changes to the Supreme Court represents a significant shift in his stance, as he had previously balked at proposals to make major changes to the court. Biden and the Democratic Party believe that term limits and a code of conduct would be more effective in achieving the goals of ensuring the independence and integrity of the court. The move to support term limits, ethics rules, and a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity reflects Biden’s commitment to upholding the separation of powers and restoring public trust in the Supreme Court.

Overall, the discussion surrounding potential changes to the Supreme Court reflects a broader debate about the role and independence of the judiciary, as well as the impact of lifetime appointments on the court’s decision-making process. President Biden’s support for term limits and ethics rules for Supreme Court Justices is seen as a way to address concerns about perceived bias or conflicts of interest on the court, and to reinforce the court’s integrity and independence. The upcoming debate and potential reforms will continue to shape the future of the Supreme Court and its role in American democracy.

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