A recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court has allowed the state to enforce a ban on abortion at all stages of pregnancy. This decision has sparked a renewed push for a constitutional amendment to protect the right to abortion in Arizona, as well as in several other states across the country. Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, there has been a surge in efforts to put abortion rights questions to voters, with most Republican-controlled states implementing new restrictions on access to abortion.

In Florida, advocates have collected nearly a million signatures to place a state constitutional amendment legalizing abortion until viability on the ballot. The measure would require 60% of voters to approve it in order to take effect. Meanwhile, in Maryland, voters will be asked to enshrine the right to abortion in the state’s constitution, building on existing protections under state law. New York lawmakers have also agreed to include a provision in a broader equal protection amendment that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of reproductive healthcare, among other factors.

In other states such as Arkansas, Colorado, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, South Dakota, and South Dakota, efforts are underway to put various abortion-related measures on the ballot in 2024. These measures range from protecting abortion rights until viability to enshrining bans or restrictions on abortion in state constitutions. Supporters of these measures are gathering signatures and facing legal battles over ballot language as they work towards getting their proposals in front of voters.

While there are states where abortion-related measures are unlikely to reach the ballot due to political dynamics or legal requirements, the overall trend indicates a significant focus on reproductive rights in the upcoming elections. In Iowa, lawmakers must approve a constitutional amendment in consecutive sessions to put it on the ballot, while in Pennsylvania, a similar process is underway with an amendment to find no constitutional right to abortion. Despite varying challenges, the battle over abortion rights continues to be a key issue in state politics across the country.

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