The French place a high value on their health, with their pharmacist being the most accessible and immediate healthcare professional. However, the country has seen a gradual decline in the number of pharmacies, with 36 permanently closing in January 2024. This loss is most keenly felt in villages that have lost their only pharmacy, like in the region of Châtillonnais in Côte-d’Or. Over 4,000 pharmacies have disappeared from the once exemplary pharmaceutical network in the past twelve years, dropping below 20,000 sites in mainland France.

Pharmacists have adapted to changes in therapy and advancements in technology, transitioning from manual processes to software that can check wholesaler stock in real-time, search for products during shortages, serialize each box for traceability and authenticity, and introduce third-party payment to improve access to care for the most vulnerable. Despite challenges, pharmacists have remained at the forefront, providing essential services during the Covid-19 pandemic, helping to disconnect their income from medication volume to avoid overconsumption. The government’s plans to promote online sales may have unintended consequences, as pharmacists have played a vital role in promoting generic drugs and appropriate dispensing to save billions for the social security system.

Every day, pharmacists provide essential services, such as dispensing costly medications and managing their financial margins. Government plans to subsidize struggling rural pharmacies rather than strengthening the entire network raise concerns about the future of healthcare access in these areas. French drug prices are regulated, leading some laboratories to stop producing molecules that are sold at a loss. The potential impact of these changes on stakeholders, including shareholders and pension funds, is uncertain, raising questions about the sustainability of the current pharmaceutical landscape.

With ongoing challenges and threats to the pharmacy network, the future of healthcare access in France remains uncertain. The country’s pharmacies play a crucial role in providing essential services, including dispensing medications, conducting tests, and administering vaccines. As the government considers changes to the pharmaceutical industry, it is essential to prioritize the well-being of patients and the sustainability of the healthcare system. Pharmacists continue to adapt to new challenges, but the closure of pharmacies and government interventions pose a significant threat to the accessibility and quality of healthcare services in France.

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