Apple is set to release its next iPads in early May, marking the end of the longest period without updates to Apple’s tablet line in history. Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman had initially predicted a release in late March or April, but has now suggested a release around early May. Gurman speculates that the launch will likely happen the week of May 6, with Apple retail stores preparing to receive new product marketing materials later that week.
The new iPads are expected to include a new iPad Pro in 12.9-inch and 11-inch sizes featuring OLED screen technology for the first time. A redesigned Magic Keyboard and a new Apple Pencil may also be part of the announcement. However, OLED technology may lead to a potential increase in prices for the iPad Pro models. Additionally, Gurman hints at the possibility of two new iPad Air models being unveiled, including a larger-screened model and a new version of the current 10.9-inch model.
With the potential launch of both new iPad Pro and iPad Air models, Gurman believes that this release will be one of the biggest updates to the Apple tablet in a single day. While it may seem unexpected for Apple to introduce a new iPad Air alongside the iPad Pro, the tech giant has a history of launching multiple new products simultaneously. It remains to be seen how consumers will react to the new releases and any potential price increases due to the OLED technology.
The expected timeline for the release includes an announcement on Monday, May 6 or Tuesday, May 7, with pre-orders starting on Friday, May 10. Initial reviews are likely to appear shortly after, leading up to the on-sale date of Friday, May 17. This timeline aligns closely with previous predictions and indicates that the new iPads are coming soon.
Although the exact details of the new iPad models have not been confirmed, the introduction of OLED technology to the iPad Pro and the potential launch of new iPad Air models suggest a significant upgrade to Apple’s tablet lineup. As the release date approaches, consumers and tech enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the official announcement from Apple and the unveiling of the new iPad features and pricing information.
The upcoming iPad release is poised to revitalize Apple’s tablet business and attract both loyal customers and new users to the updated product lineup. With the promise of OLED technology and potential improvements to the Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil, the new iPads are expected to offer enhanced functionality and performance for a new generation of users. As the launch date draws near, the tech community eagerly awaits further details and official confirmation from Apple regarding the new iPad models and their features.