In a move to kick off her 2024 presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris released a video that featured Beyoncé’s song “Freedom” as the soundtrack. The video touched on key issues like gun violence, healthcare, and abortion, with Harris declaring “We choose freedom” while the powerful chorus of “Freedom” played in the background. The song has been closely associated with Harris, who used it during her first public appearance as a candidate and at a rally in Milwaukee. Beyoncé gave permission for the song to be used in the campaign video, highlighting the political significance of the song.

The song “Freedom” from Beyoncé’s album “Lemonade” is seen as an anthem of empowerment and resilience. Academic experts point out that the song emphasizes the idea that freedom must be fought for, and it draws on the traditions of Black Americans envisioning new concepts of freedom. The inclusion of Pulitzer Prize winner Kendrick Lamar on the track adds a sense of momentum and strength to the message of freedom. Harris is leveraging the energy of these acclaimed artists to inspire young people and garner support for her campaign.

Political campaign songs have a history of using themes of freedom and liberty to connect with voters. Harris’ choice of Beyoncé’s “Freedom” as her campaign anthem aligns with this tradition, aiming to portray her commitment to personal autonomy and government accountability. The use of popular music artists in campaign songs can also help candidates connect with a wider audience. The impact of featuring “Freedom” in Harris’ campaign events was reflected in a significant increase in streaming numbers following her use of the song.

Beyoncé has a history of supporting Democratic candidates, having performed at events for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Harris’ early collaboration with Beyoncé showcases her efforts to appeal to diverse populations, including people of color, queer individuals, and young people, who are fans of the music icon. In a demonstration of mutual support, Harris and her husband attended Beyoncé’s concert last year after being gifted tickets. The partnership between Harris and Beyoncé reflects a strategic approach to building a coalition of supporters.

The endorsement of Kamala Harris by former President Joe Biden has garnered support from various pop music stars, including Janelle Monáe, John Legend, and Katy Perry. The world of pop music has embraced Harris, with social media platforms like TikTok featuring remixes of her speeches set to popular songs. This widespread support from the music industry highlights the influential role that pop stars play in political campaigns. As Harris continues to build her platform and engage with diverse audiences, her partnership with artists like Beyoncé underscores the evolving landscape of political communication.

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