The New Caledonian government has condemned the “unbearable” inflation in businesses that has occurred due to the security crisis in the region. Many businesses have taken advantage of the situation to apply excessive prices, even on regulated products, a practice that the government deems as “unacceptable and intolerable.” The government is now planning to implement control measures to address this issue and ensure fair pricing.

The government has observed that some businesses are significantly raising prices on their products, including regulated items, during the current situation, making this practice illegal. They emphasized the importance of solidarity and collective responsibility, especially as concerns about food and medicine shortages persist in the archipelago following a week of violence. President Emmanuel Macron has also expressed his commitment to restoring normal healthcare, supplies, and food access during his visit to New Caledonia.

In light of the escalating prices and concerns about consumer welfare, the government of New Caledonia has announced plans to introduce strict price control measures. They are determined to protect the purchasing power of the people in the region and have reminded businesses of the importance of setting fair and reasonable prices. The government did not provide specific details or a timeline for the implementation of these measures, but they are intent on ensuring that consumers are shielded from any form of exploitation.

President Macron acknowledged the challenges faced by the population in New Caledonia, whether due to illness or difficulties in accessing food. He emphasized the need to address the current crisis and ensure that everyone has access to essential services and supplies. The government’s actions to combat inflation and control pricing align with the president’s commitment to improving the situation on the ground and addressing the immediate needs of the people affected by the crisis.

The situation in New Caledonia has escalated due to ongoing violence, prompting concerns about the availability of essential goods and services. The government’s denunciation of businesses exploiting the crisis to increase prices underscores the urgency of addressing these issues. By implementing measures to control prices and protect consumers, the government aims to restore stability and ensure that everyone has access to necessary resources during these challenging times.

Overall, the New Caledonian government’s response to the inflation crisis demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding the welfare of the population and ensuring fair pricing practices in businesses. Their efforts to address the immediate challenges faced by the people in the region, along with President Macron’s support, indicate a unified approach to restoring normalcy and stability in New Caledonia. By prioritizing the needs of the population and taking decisive action against price exploitation, the government aims to mitigate the impact of the crisis and provide relief to those affected.

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