The astronaut returning to Earth exclaims “Mother Russia!” only to be corrected by a Ukrainian farmer who insists “No, this is Ukraine!” The confused astronaut argues that Ukraine is part of Russia, but the woman firmly states that Ukraine is its own country. This conversation inadvertently foreshadowed the current geopolitical situation, as illustrated by a 1995 advertisement for the De Agostini geographical atlas. The ad’s creator, Luciano Nardi, reflects on how little people knew about the complexities of the USSR at that time, let alone what would happen in the following decades.

In 1991, the Soviet Union dissolved, giving rise to the Commonwealth of Independent States. On December 1 of that year, Ukraine declared its independence from Moscow following a referendum in which 90% of the population voted in favor. However, the Russian cosmonaut in the advertisement seems unaware of this historical event and mistakenly conflates Ukraine with Russia. This lack of awareness about the geopolitical shifts in Eastern Europe sets the stage for the conflict that would unfold in the years to come.

Fast forward to 2014, when Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea following the Euromaidan protests in Kiev and a referendum that was deemed illegitimate by the international community. More than two years later, Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine continues, with tensions escalating and the situation remaining unresolved. The De Agostini advertisement, which highlighted the confusion surrounding Ukraine’s status in the aftermath of the USSR’s collapse, remains eerily relevant today as the conflict in Eastern Europe persists.

The advertisement serves as a stark reminder of the complex history and ongoing challenges faced by Ukraine in its quest for independence and sovereignty. Despite the passage of time, the issues raised in the ad are still pertinent, shedding light on the lasting impact of the Soviet legacy and the struggle for autonomy in the region. The divergent perspectives of the astronaut and the farmer symbolize the larger geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and the deep-rooted historical and cultural ties that continue to shape their relationship.

As the world watches the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine unfold, the De Agostini advertisement prompts us to reflect on the importance of understanding history and geography in order to navigate the complexities of international relations. The conversation between the astronaut and the farmer serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of ignorance and the need for dialogue, mutual respect, and a deeper understanding of the factors at play in the region. Ultimately, the advertisement underscores the enduring relevance of the issues raised, urging us to learn from the past in order to build a better future for all involved.

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