The legislative elections scheduled for June 30 and July 7, 2024, will elect 577 deputies in various constituencies. These constituencies are complex territorial entities, encompassing multiple communes or neighborhoods in a large city. Some constituencies even divide streets or include both the city and neighboring towns. By entering your address into the search engine provided, you can find out which constituency you will be voting in.

This search engine, powered by the Etalab Address API, is only functional for addresses within France. If you are residing abroad and registered on consular lists, your constituency will depend on your country of residence. For example, the first constituency covers the United States and Canada, while the tenth constituency covers the rest of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar. Each constituency represents different regions around the world, from Europe to Asia, Oceania, and beyond.

This article offers an updated version of content originally published in 2022. The author, Manon Romain, provides information on the upcoming legislative elections and the constituencies involved. This article also highlights the importance of being aware of which constituency you are registered in, especially for those living abroad and voting via consular lists. The process of determining one’s constituency can be done by entering your address into the search engine provided.

The complex territorial makeup of the constituencies is outlined, with some covering multiple communes or neighborhoods, while others divide streets or include both urban and rural areas. The search engine provided allows voters to find out which constituency they belong to, ensuring they can participate in the upcoming legislative elections. The article also emphasizes the need for subscribers to engage in discussions and contribute to the exchange of ideas in the comments section.

Subscribers are encouraged to subscribe to access the discussion space and contribute to the ongoing dialogue. By subscribing, individuals can engage with the content, share their perspectives, and participate in the exchange of ideas. This article serves as a resource for voters, providing them with the information they need to understand their constituency and participate in the upcoming legislative elections.

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