The publishing company La Société éditrice du Monde is requesting submissions from users in the form of written pieces, photographs, and videos for potential inclusion in their publications. These submissions, collectively referred to as “Contributions,” must adhere to current legislation, including press freedom laws, civil code articles concerning privacy rights and presumption of innocence, and intellectual property laws. Contributions must not violate any laws, and must be well-written and properly formatted (no all-caps text, abbreviations, or SMS-style writing). Authors are required to provide their name, the date and location of their photographs or videos, and a descriptive caption. Contributions must be signed with the author’s first and last name. Requests for anonymity will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the editorial team at La Société éditrice du Monde. The company reserves the right to reject any Contribution for various reasons, including legal violations (racism, incitement to violence or hatred, defamation, pornography, sexism, homophobia, etc.), failure to meet publication guidelines, lack of reader interest, duplication of previously published content, depiction of identifiable individuals, unauthorized use of copyrighted material, or poor technical quality of photos or videos.

By participating in this call for submissions, authors grant permission for their Contribution to be published in part or in full on Le, Le Monde newspaper, M le Magazine du Monde, or any other platform where La Société éditrice du Monde shares editorial content (such as Facebook, Twitter, Digiteka, Instagram, etc.), worldwide, for the duration of the relevant publication’s exploitation. The company reserves the right to decide whether or not to publish submitted Contributions. Authors agree to provide their responses and grant permission for the potential use of their work without compensation. Information collected in the submission process is stored in a digital file by La Société éditrice du Monde and shared only with the journalists and technical teams managing the submissions. This data will be used solely for the purposes of the call for submissions. Data associated with a Contribution will be retained for up to two years. Authors have the right to access, correct, delete, or limit the processing of their personal data, as well as to withdraw their consent at any time. For inquiries or to exercise these rights, authors can contact or visit for more information on data protection rights.

In summary, La Société éditrice du Monde is seeking user-contributed content in the form of testimonials, photographs, and videos, subject to legal and ethical guidelines. Authors must ensure that their submissions comply with relevant laws and exhibit proper spelling and formatting. Contributions should be attributed to the author, include necessary details, and be signed with the author’s full name. The company reserves the right to reject any submission that violates laws, publication guidelines, or quality standards. Authors grant permission for their work to be published without compensation and agree to the handling and retention of their personal data in accordance with data protection regulations.

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