The upcoming Mother’s Day has brought attention to the concerns of working Canadian moms in balancing their work and family life. A survey conducted by Robert Half found that over half of working mothers are worried about what 2024 may bring in terms of the time they split between work and family. Many mothers expressed concerns about losing flexibility in their jobs, which has been crucial for them to be able to fulfill their responsibilities both at work and at home. The COVID-19 pandemic provided some relief for working mothers by allowing them to spend more time with their children at home while still getting their work done, but this is beginning to change as some companies are looking to bring employees back into the office.

Tara Parry, a director at Robert Half Talent Solutions and a mother of two, emphasized the importance of flexibility for working mothers. She mentioned that having this flexibility gives her a sense of trust from her company that she can fulfill her responsibilities both at work and as a mother. Parry also highlighted the challenges of balancing work and parenting, describing it as a “daily battle” for many working mothers. She mentioned that if the flexibility was taken away from her, she would have to look for other options, highlighting the importance of this aspect in the workplace for working mothers.

The survey revealed that 53 percent of the mothers who responded reported feeling “stuck.” Executive leadership coach Carrie Gallant stated that this feeling of being stuck stems from a conflict in wanting to maintain the benefits and flexibility that they have been enjoying while also facing pressure from employers to return to the office. Gallant emphasized the need for open communication between employers and employees to find a solution that works for both parties. She stressed the importance of having a conversation to determine what would make both groups successful in the workplace.

In addition to concerns about flexibility, the survey also found that 32 percent of working mothers are hoping for a promotion this year. However, some may feel hesitant to ask for a change out of fear that it could impact their job security. Career coach Climie advised that it is important for employees to advocate for themselves and demonstrate the value they bring to the company. She emphasized the importance of highlighting achievements such as revenue impact, profitability, and team management when asking for a promotion or raise.

While some working mothers may be hesitant to ask for changes in their work situation or feel stuck in their current position, Parry encouraged them to explore their options. She suggested looking for solutions within their current job or considering other opportunities if needed. Parry emphasized the importance of taking care of oneself and finding a balance between work and parenting responsibilities. Overall, the survey results highlight the challenges that working mothers face in balancing their work and family life, and the importance of having open communication and advocating for oneself in the workplace.

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