The leader of the Forza Italia party, Antonio Tajani, has defended the presentation of a bill on citizenship reform by stating that the center-right cannot be obscurantist or superficial on this issue. In response to internal criticism within the majority, Tajani highlighted on social media that promoting the inclusion of regular immigrants is a point in the government program. The proposal on Ius Italiae aligns with the direction outlined in the program signed by all parties in the coalition.

The Forza Italia bill is aimed at granting citizenship to those born in Italy or those who arrived before the age of 5 and successfully completed 10 years of schooling. There is a restriction on the application of Ius sanguinis (right of blood) up to the great-grandparent level. Tajani emphasizes that the focus of the legislation is to promote social and employment inclusion of regular immigrants, in line with the government program. The proposal aims to address criticisms and concerns surrounding citizenship policies within the majority coalition.

The bill presented by Forza Italia seeks to implement reforms in citizenship laws that align with the government’s program objectives. It aims to facilitate the integration of regular immigrants into Italian society by granting them citizenship under specified conditions. The proposed legislation places emphasis on promoting social and economic inclusion for immigrants, acknowledging their contributions to society. By restricting Ius sanguinis to the great-grandparent level, the bill sets parameters for citizenship eligibility based on descent.

Tajani’s defense of the citizenship reform bill reflects the party’s commitment to addressing the concerns and criticisms within the majority coalition regarding immigration policies. By referencing the government program’s focus on promoting the inclusion of regular immigrants, Tajani underscores the importance of implementing reforms in citizenship laws. The bill’s provisions for granting citizenship to individuals born in Italy or long-term residents with educational qualifications are designed to facilitate their integration into Italian society.

The proposal put forth by Forza Italia represents a concerted effort to align citizenship laws with the government’s objectives of promoting inclusion and integration of regular immigrants. By incorporating restrictions on the application of Ius sanguinis and outlining specific criteria for citizenship eligibility, the bill aims to strike a balance between upholding the country’s heritage and facilitating the integration of immigrants. Tajani’s advocacy for the bill underscores the party’s commitment to implementing policies that reflect the values of inclusivity and social cohesion within Italian society.

In conclusion, the presentation of the citizenship reform bill by Forza Italia reflects a proactive approach to addressing concerns and criticisms surrounding immigration policies within the majority coalition. By emphasizing the government program’s focus on promoting the inclusion of regular immigrants, Tajani highlights the party’s commitment to implementing reforms that align with these objectives. The bill’s provisions aim to facilitate the integration of immigrants into Italian society while upholding the country’s heritage and values. Tajani’s advocacy for the bill underscores Forza Italia’s dedication to promoting social cohesion and inclusion within the country.

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