Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group that is heavily armed and primarily supported by Iran. The group has recently issued a warning to Israel regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza, stating their readiness to engage in full-scale conflict if necessary. Hezbollah emerged during Lebanon’s civil war in the 1980s as a response to Israeli occupation of South Lebanon, which lasted until 2000. The group’s military wing is considered stronger than the Lebanese national army and has been involved in conflicts with Israel.

Hezbollah has intensified its actions against Israel in response to Israel’s war with Hamas, resulting in a significant number of casualties in Gaza. Israel’s military actions in Gaza have been described as triggering a humanitarian crisis by various groups, including the United Nations. Hezbollah’s military strength is largely attributed to its rocket arsenal, which is estimated to include over 150,000 missiles and rockets ranging from unguided artillery rockets to precision-guided missiles. Additionally, the group possesses advanced anti-tank, anti-aircraft, and anti-ship missiles, as well as drones for reconnaissance and offensive operations.

The group’s weapons are supplied by Iran, and Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has claimed that they have the ability to retrofit rockets with guidance systems to make them precision missiles. Some of the rockets fired at Israel by Hezbollah during the Gaza conflict include the Katyusha and Burkan missiles. Hezbollah’s arsenal has been a source of tension and concern for regional and international actors due to the group’s involvement in conflicts and its ability to strike specific targets across Israel. The group has demonstrated its capabilities in various conflicts, including the 2006 Lebanon War where they effectively used their anti-tank missiles against Israeli armor.

Hezbollah has also claimed to have downed Israeli drones using surface-to-air missiles, potentially indicating an increase in their aerial defense capabilities. The group’s use of drones, such as the Ayoub and Mersad models, for reconnaissance and offensive operations poses a challenge for Israel’s defense systems like the Iron Dome. The group’s possession of advanced weaponry, including land attack rockets and missiles, has raised concerns about its capacity to escalate conflicts in the region. With Hezbollah’s willingness to engage in full-scale conflict against Israel, the situation in the region remains tense and volatile, with the potential for further escalation and humanitarian crises.

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