As Election Day 2024 nears, both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have not unveiled their plans to tackle climate change and energy policy. Trump has a history of dismissing climate change as a hoax and has focused on increasing oil and gas production to make the U.S. the top energy producer. In contrast, Harris has emphasized the reality of the climate crisis and the impact it has on communities, advocating for clean air, water, and affordable energy for all Americans. Despite her support for a shift to a clean energy economy, Harris has not ruled out oil and gas entirely, maintaining a moderate position on issues like fracking.

Trump’s approach to climate change includes rolling back clean energy initiatives introduced under the Biden administration and opposing the Green New Deal. He has promised to expedite drilling and energy production, restart LNG exports, and promote an economy driven by fossil fuels. While environmental groups criticize Trump’s focus on oil and gas, he has also supported clean energy innovation projects during his first term, such as nuclear energy and carbon capture initiatives. Additionally, Trump has expressed a desire to undo incentives for electric vehicles and reduce funding for climate-focused agencies if re-elected.

Harris has been a proponent of the Inflation Reduction Act and has prioritized emissions reductions and clean energy goals. She has supported tax credits for electric vehicle adoption and has a history of holding big oil companies accountable for their actions. Harris’s support for climate action is evident in her stance on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to cleaner energy sources. While she co-sponsored the Green New Deal as a senator, her current position on the package of policy proposals is unclear, with her campaign indicating that she no longer supports it.

Neither Trump nor Harris have released comprehensive climate change plans for their potential presidencies, but their past statements and actions provide some insight into their positions on key issues. Trump’s approach focuses on maximizing oil and gas production and rolling back environmental regulations, while Harris advocates for a transition to a clean energy economy and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. As Election Day approaches, voters will have to consider the candidates’ track records and campaign promises to make an informed decision on climate and energy policy.

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