Wet Wet Wet members Graeme Clark and Graeme Duffin have welcomed new singer Kevin Simm, who joined the band after Marti Pellow’s departure in 2017. They praised Kevin for being “very different from what came before” and commended his talent and authenticity. Graeme Clark and Graeme Duffin both expressed their respect for Kevin, noting his incredible voice and singing talent. They appreciated his down-to-earth personality and dedication to his craft, emphasizing that he has brought a new dynamic to the band. Kevin’s audition, which initially left the band unsure, impressed everyone and solidified his position as the new frontman.

Marti Pellow, the previous lead singer of Wet Wet Wet, left the band in 2017 to pursue a solo career. He expressed well wishes towards his former bandmates and their new journey with Kevin Simm. Marti acknowledged that the change in lineup would bring a different vibe and dynamic to the group, but he cherishes the work he did with them despite the somewhat messy ending. Although he no longer communicates with the band, Marti still considers them a “band of brothers.” The transition from Marti to Kevin marked a significant shift for the band, with a fresh personality and charisma leading the way for new musical directions.

The search for a new singer led Wet Wet Wet to Kevin Simm, a former member of the group Liberty X, who impressed the band with his unique personality and charisma. Despite Kevin’s initial reservations during the audition, he quickly won over Graeme Clark and Graeme Duffin with his exceptional vocal talent. The band members knew that Kevin’s different approach and outlook would be instrumental in redefining the band’s sound and image. Kevin’s audition, which initially showcased his humility and talent, set the stage for his successful integration into Wet Wet Wet as the new lead vocalist.

The departure of Marti Pellow paved the way for Kevin Simm to step into his role as the frontman of Wet Wet Wet. Kevin’s singing prowess and engaging personality endeared him to the band members, who appreciated his authenticity and dedication to his craft. Graeme Clark and Graeme Duffin commended Kevin for bringing a fresh perspective to the band and embracing his role with humility and enthusiasm. The transition to a new lead singer marked a new chapter for Wet Wet Wet, with Kevin Simm adding his own unique flair and energy to the celebrated soft rock band.

The evolution of Wet Wet Wet following Marti Pellow’s exit and Kevin Simm’s arrival reflects a renewed sense of enthusiasm and creativity within the band. Graeme Clark and Graeme Duffin’s praise for Kevin’s authenticity and talent underscores his impact on the group’s dynamic and musical direction. As Wet Wet Wet continues to embrace change and innovation, Kevin’s presence as the new singer symbolizes a fresh start and an exciting chapter for the band. With Kevin’s exceptional vocal abilities and down-to-earth demeanor, Wet Wet Wet looks set to captivate audiences with their timeless hits and new musical ventures, guided by a new frontman who brings a unique blend of talent and authenticity to the band.

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