This week’s lifestyle stories included a mix of American food tales, earthquake safety tips, wild nature encounters, and an unexpected arrest warrant discovery. Readers can also enjoy fun quizzes and crosswords on the Fox News Digital website. Good news stories highlighted recent rescues of an injured dog in Oklahoma and a heartwarming tale of a police officer who saved a baby girl at a movie theater and became her godfather.

Trending topics this week included a 4.8 magnitude earthquake that shook New Jersey, New York, and other northeastern states, as well as an upcoming solar eclipse where some daredevils plan to skydive during totality. Food enthusiasts can read about the best barbecue in Phoenix, Arizona, and the famous orange rolls at the All Steak restaurant in a southern U.S. state. Nature lovers can watch a video of a gorilla getting up close with a camera at the Santa Barbara Zoo and learn about organizations releasing sea turtles back into the ocean after rehabilitating them.

In odd and viral tales, a mountain lion sighting in South San Francisco turned out to be a large domestic cat, and a Texas mom of five discovered a late book-related arrest warrant on her record when trying to renew her driver’s license. History buffs can commemorate the 56th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s murder and learn about Captain John Parker, who led a outnumbered group against British regulars in the Battle of Lexington, igniting the American Revolution.

Faith and values stories featured a Christian family in California turning loss into a new purpose and Jim Wahlberg’s journey from a Boston street hustler to finding Jesus Christ after meeting Mother Teresa in prison. In the arena of smart money moves, readers can learn how to earn $10,000 by cuddling cats for a few hours or how one mom quit her job to enter online sweepstakes and contests, pulling in $35,000.

Overall, this week’s lifestyle stories covered a diverse range of topics from heartwarming rescues and historic events to odd sightings and smart money-making ventures. Readers can explore more articles, quizzes, and crosswords on the Fox News Digital website for the latest trends and stories in lifestyle, food, nature, history, faith, and finance.

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